2023-03-01 Meeting notes

2023-03-01 Meeting notes


Mar 1, 2023


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @April Rieger

  • @Brendan Quinn

  • @Chris Colvard

  • @Rob Kaufman


  • Refine group charter

  • Define deliverables and timeframe

  • Set next meeting if possible; determine external cloud services providers to invite

 Discussion topics





Get notetaker volunteer, review how we got here (Heather)

  • Want to avoid vendor lock-in. Want to walk the line between lock-in and getting to take advantage of opportunities. How to make options that can work cross-platform.

Review Group charter

Difficult to define this for all of Samvera. What is included? What is not vendor-specific, but rather useful to all? The team at NU has a ton of experience with Terraform, is that relevant?

Services the orgs of this group is running in the cloud:

  • NU: Terraform with AWS, many experiments over the years but now deploying containers to ECR running applications in AWS on ECS. Use GitHub Actions. Remote cloud development environments in AWS.

  • Avalon at IU has Terraform script for AWS, Avalon uses active fedora and Hydra Head. Has option of elastic transcoder, but not using in terraform script. Demo site in AWS, locally primarily containerized close to a docker compose but not exactly.

  • Kubernetes and Helm charts

  • SoftServ Terraform provisioning, typically use Helm deployments to deploy Hyku. Some clients in previous gen deployments because of local needs. Google Cloud, AWS, some Azure. Keep everything in cross-platform tech, important as a consultancy.

Deliverables for the group, including but not limited to:

  • What do we have in the community with regard to cloud architecture, and what do we need to create?

  • Which cloud services providers should we include, and what should we ask of them?

  • What categories of services need to be supported in AWs, and generalized to other providers.

  • Starting to gather more frequently updated, real world stats on how things are being run in the cloud in the community. Getting folks to plug in their own numbers.

  • What will this be a reference architecture for? Hyrax, Hyku, Avalon; other Samvera applications? Hyku and Avalon would get us a baseline. Server diagram would be a good place to start with something more customized in Hyrax for example. Avalon would help because of the A/V complexity.

  • Be a place to discuss cloud services in current practice. Could lead to a valuable conference presentation?

  • Where are the struggles and successes in the community? Put together a survey to get an idea of the state of the community with cloud deployment

  • Collect and share cloud ‘how we did it’ stories

Timeframe, and logistics for next meetings

  • Have a meeting with the group and Greg Ritter. Who will use these, why, what is the value. Get a sense of what he wants to do, and help shape that. Will have Greg for the first 30 min and just the group for the second 30 min

  • Will plan for monthly meetings for this group, timeline to wrap with Samvera Connect in October 2023

  • Will reach out to Oregon Digital and Surfliner teams

Volunteer to facilitate?

Brendan Quinn will be our facilitator! April will help with notes

 Action items

Rob will look for Microsoft contact information based on a previous project
Heather will send the Archivematica draft example via Slack
Heather will find a way to meet at the end of March/Early April with the group and Greg


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