2022-05-09 Meeting notes
2022-05-09 Meeting notes
May 9, 2022
@Heather Greer Klein
@Adam J. Arling regrets
@Hannah Frost regrets
@Chris Diaz
@Nabeela Jaffer
Set regular meeting date/time
Confirm we have the correct charter goals
Determine first steps
Discussion topics
Item | Notes |
Tools, options for migration | NextJS - need to use permanent redirects for the existing URLs or to keep the structure? Probably redirects, with a new and easier structure. Determine Scope of the Website Migration · Issue #1 · samvera/samvera.org See issue for the list of work to be done – feel free to add to this Chris will do what he can as time allows, with help from Mat and others at Northwestern. Will set two short check in meetings, June and July |
Determine next steps |
Action items
, multiple selections available,