2022-04-20 Meeting notes

2022-04-20 Meeting notes

Ā Date

Apr 20, 2022

Ā Participants

  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Adam J. Arling

  • @Hannah Frost

  • @Chris Diaz

  • @Nabeela Jaffer

Ā Goals

  • Set regular meeting date/time

  • Confirm we have the correct charter goals

  • Determine first steps

Ā Discussion topics





Review of current charter

We want to make things easier but donā€™t consider this a whole redesign per se. Want to make the website easier to maintain for the whole community by putting it on GitHub with a pull request review process and GitHub authentication. Framework seems simple.

Determine next steps: actions and meeting timing

  • Will give access to the WordPress, and evaluate the tools for migration.

  • Will create a style guide as part of the new site

  • select static site generation tool

  • Can potentially use https://www.netlifycms.org/ to make it easier to do blog posts

Ā Action items

@Chris Diaz will evaluate export tools and options, and begin an overview of the process
@Heather Greer Klein will give Chris, Adam, and Mat admin access to the Wordpress site
@Heather Greer Klein will pull out the comments from the community about requested website changes from the summer review
@Heather Greer Klein will send a doodle poll for the week after Virtual Connect

Ā Decisions

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