September 2, 2021

September 2, 2021

Connection Info: https://emory.zoom.us/j/94981415282?pwd=U2xsNStsRE9pZmJ3M0RVM0owWnZrZz09

Topic: Samvera Connect 2021 - Program Committee
Time: 12pm Eastern 

Slack #connect2021pc

Email list: connect2021pc@samvera.org


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Jeremy Friesen

  • @Rick Johnson

  • @Karen Cariani

  • @Robin Lindley Ruggaber

  • @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Ilkay Holt

Agenda Items

  1. Review work in progress

    1. CfPs – extension went out and responses are coming in

    2. Keynote speaker will send abstract and bio

    3. IU for webinar host

  2. Review task checklist: Task checklist, Connect 2021

    1. Need to get a message out to IG/WG leaders with spreadsheet to sign up for 5 or 10 min updates

    2. Eventbrite and Sched integration for ticketing and access: https://sched.com/guide/eventbrite-integration/

      • So far, no workshops that require waitlist feature/higher fee

        • Lower cost gives us 5 admins – who would like to be an admin?

      • Eventbrite free for free events

      • Integration automatically imports users and invites them to begin making their schedule (no double sign-up)

      • Can collect attendee info, require review and agreement to CoC

      • Reveals webinar link in Sched 10 min before start, only for logged in users

    3. Community-building activities request for hosts should be sent last week in Sept

      Will have convo groups, ask for volunteer hosts, fewer sessions – Kevin and Heather will do a new to Samvera group, will ask for Women in tech group hosts, others if we get volunteer hosts

  3. What does a scaled down connect look like? How do we adjust scheduling if we need to?

    1. We can move the workshop day to monday, and make it 4 days of sessions
