Applied Linked Data 2017-02-06
Applied Linked Data 2017-02-06
- Linked Data Fragments Caching Update
- Resolving string literals in Linked Data Fragments (further demo)
- Proposed interface changes: https://github.com/ActiveTriples/linked-data-fragments/issues/40
- Question 1: URL variables vs route parameters?
- Should the interface be: http://localhost:3000/s/<subject> and http://localhost:3000/q/<query>
- If this option, what is the query syntax? For example, to do http://localhost:3000/q/?s ?p ?o, we would need to URL encode those route parameters then. This would make testing in an open browser more complicated.
- Or should it be: http://localhost:3000/?s=<subject> and http://localhost:3000/?q=<query>
- Should the interface be: http://localhost:3000/s/<subject> and http://localhost:3000/q/<query>
- Question 2: LDF vs SPARQL
- A linked data fragment is limited to ?s ?p ?o. I believe from the last reply on that thread, Tom indicates that limitation isn't needed over just exposing a direct SPARQL pass through. So revisiting this discussion.
- A linked data fragment is limited to ?s ?p ?o. I believe from the last reply on that thread, Tom indicates that limitation isn't needed over just exposing a direct SPARQL pass through. So revisiting this discussion.
- Question 1: URL variables vs route parameters?
- New examples (getting cleaner syntax):
- Starts with "Las":
- http://localhost:3000/ldf/?q=?o rdfs:label "^LAs*"&format=ttl
- http://localhost:3000/ldf/?q=?o rdfs:label "^LAs*"&format=ttl
- Starts with "LAs":
- http://localhost:3000/ldf/?q=?o rdfs:label "^LAs*"&format=ttl
- http://localhost:3000/ldf/?q=?o rdfs:label "^LAs*"&format=ttl
- Starts with "LAs" (case insensitive):
- http://localhost:3000/ldf/?q=?o rdfs:label "(?i)^LAs*"&format=ttl
- http://localhost:3000/ldf/?q=?o rdfs:label "(?i)^LAs*"&format=ttl
- Language code example using the previous case:
- http://localhost:3000/ldf/?q=?o rdfs:label "(?i)^LAs*"@nl&format=ttl
- http://localhost:3000/ldf/?q=?o rdfs:label "(?i)^LAs*"@nl&format=ttl
- Exact Match:
- http://localhost:3000/ldf/?q=?o rdfs:label "LAs"&format=ttl
- http://localhost:3000/ldf/?q=?o rdfs:label "Las Vegas"@en&format=ttl
- Get all items that begin with "Bay" or contain a word that starts with "Bay":
- Case of Massachusetts uri that contains a string that starts with "Bay":
- Non-rdfs label example:
- Starts with "Las":
- Proposed interface changes: https://github.com/ActiveTriples/linked-data-fragments/issues/40
- Supporting Search for QA Integration
- Refactor of linked-data-fragments
- PRs in progress:
- Completed refactor:
- Multiple datasets issue: https://github.com/ActiveTriples/linked-data-fragments/issues/43
- <Add additional agenda items here>
Next Meeting: February 20 at 12pst/3est
, multiple selections available,