Active Triples Identifier

Active Triples Identifier


We discussed issues around Pull Request #61.  For clarity, the code is used to generate a unique URI by minting the localname portion of the URI.  In it's current state prior to this discussion, the code changes...

  • add methods to check if a URI already exists in one of the registered repositories
  • add default implementation of a minter for the localname portion of the URI (default implementation used Ruby's SecureRandom class to generate a UUID)

It was observed that the existence code is embedded in the Resource and Repository classes, but the minter code is outside any core ActiveTriples class.  There were concerns about taking on additional code that will have to be maintained long term.  As a result, it was decided to accept the existence code into ActiveTriples and to move the minter code into a separate gem.  A related pull request to add a prefix to the beginning of the localname will be closed as the ability to do this is now supported in by the minter code.

Action Items:
  • Tom: Create an organization for ActiveTriples
  • Tom: Move ActiveTriples gem into ActiveTriples organization
  • Lynette - remove minter from pull request
  • Lynette - create ActiveTriples::LocalNameMinter Gem and put in new ActiveTriples organization
  • Lynette - close pull request for prefix_id

Completed action items are striked through.

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