Hydra Feature Inventory


Feature Inventory Grid  <<<----  ACTION: Fill this in with your project information.


UCSD -  Former user (Deleted)

DAMSPAS - Fedora 3

  • Never had a GUI for complex objects
  • Streaming server, requires login, passes path/ip/timestamp encrypted
  • Shib login or campus IP access
  • Auth completely from SOLR
  • Serve big files without hitting fedora. Chunked I/O
  • Excel spreadsheet maps to RDF, or to MODS
  • JHOVE and FITS
  • Premise (XML schema) access controls
  • ActiveMQ w/ Solrizer
  • Serving big files from fedora repo w/ Chunked I/O in controller
  • Plan to use Sufia for self-deposit

Agreed it is silly to write object derivatives back to repo.

Oregon Digital -  Trey Pendragon

Hydra 6 / ActiveFedora 7 / BlackLight 4 with the purpose of replacing ContentDM:

  • Basic Hydra access controls. Groups from IP range (or by user)

  • Ingest features:

    • Form for flat metadata 

    • Form input templates
    • Review process workflow
    • BagIt packaging
    • Convert ContentDM to bags and ingest

    • Auto-complete from QuestionAuthority and other sources
  • Working to do complex data RDF:List

  • Use Open Library PDF viewer: zoom, page and added full text search

  • Images: Open SeaDragon & IIP, pyramidal TIFF

  • Looking forward to IIIF

  • Generate audio & video, still working on streaming

  • Single item edit, no bulk edit: form can create new item or overwrite existing

  • Derivatives from HydraDerivatives

  • Opaque persistent ID from NOID

  • Want to mint DOIs

  • Runs entirely on RDF

Passed on Sufia, b/c no collections and not worried about self-deposit.

Cincinnati -  Thomas Scherz

  • Self deposit w/ Curate: mints DOIs, Orchid IDs
  • Editor permissions groups, role based
  • Application template/installer
  • object types: Works, image, dataset, ETD, article
  • Views: custom for datasets, ETD

Everybody wants Spotlight to replace Collection landing page.

Penn St. -  Michael Joseph Giarlo

Three Hydra-based apps so far: an ETD workflow prototype ("ETDflow"), ArchiveSphere, & ScholarSphere

  • Both "spheres" use Sufia, hydra-collections, hydra-derivatives, hydra-ldap
  • Vagrant instance for Sufia (https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/sufia-vagrant) available
  • Ingest options: single file, multiple files, whole folder hierarchies (in Chrome), all via jQuery file uploader
  • Browse-everything support for ingest via Box and Dropbox
  • Both self-deposit and proxy deposit (where one user deposits on behalf of another) supported
  • NOID IDs surfaced in UI and used in Fedora
  • All RDF descriptive metadata, mostly DCMI Terms with some simple DC, FOAF, and RDFS
  • ETDflow will use worthwhile to publish finalized ETDs in ScholarSphere
  • Permissions are set at the file level, and permissions are a combination of visibility (open, private, logged-in users only) and sharing (with users or groups at either read-only or edit/own level)
  • ScholarSphere supports "ownership" transfers between users
  • Owners can edit and delete files, add and revert versions, modify visibility/access controls
  • Sufia uses a subclass of Hydra RightsMetadata called ParanoidRightsDatastream - adds 3 validation checks: https://github.com/projecthydra/sufia/blob/master/sufia-models/app/models/datastreams/paranoid_rights_datastream.rb
  • Uses pre-Questioning Authority tools for harvesting RDF-based controlled vocabularies into the app's RDBMS and connecting these vocabularies to fields in the UI
  • On upload, ScholarSphere takes the following steps:
    • Files analyzed by FITS for technical metadata on format, stored in 'characterization' datastream
    • Generate one file for almost all types (a thumbnail)
    • Full-text indexing via Tika (included in Solr instance)
    • Automatic Antivirus checking
    • Application of batch metadata
  • Basic A/V viewer (audio.js and video.js), no streaming
  • Exposes Mendeley, Zotero, and EndNote export functionality
  • Versioning in the UI for adding new versions of files and reverting to old versions
  • Uses hydra-ldap to connect with institutional group management service, allow sharing w/ groups
  • Includes sitemap gem to generate sitemaps and ping search engines
  • Enables batch metadata editing in the UI via hydra-batch-edit
  • Prodigious use of background jobs (using Resque backed by Redis)
  • ScholarSphere's authN is based on devise, adds a custom strategy for HTTP header authentication (for CoSign, Penn State's institutional SSO solution)
  • Single-use links for viewing files and downloading files (expire after one use or 24h)
  • Using GAnalytics to gather usage statistics, and displaying graphs of usage and downloads in the public UI
  • Embedded metadata galore: schema.org microdata for rich google snippets, google scholar tags, opengraph tags for rich Facebook links, Twitter cards for rich Twitter linking
  • Using a number of common code patterns such as concerns (mixin modules), actor classes, and service objects

Sufia upcoming features

  • Multi-file works
  • Fedora 4 w/ large file support
  • Mediated Deposit (reviewer/approval workflow)


  • Update for wiki for "Gem Marketplace"

TIP: Implement visualization of Hydra-Works as Blacklight plugin