Minutes DPG Skype conference April 2015

Date/Time: April Thursday 9, 2015 @ 9:00 AM PST, 12:00 Noon EST, 17:00 GMT, 18:00 CET

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll call and additional agenda items
    1. Attendees: Chris Awre (Hull), Michael Friscia (Yale), Christen Hedegaard (KBDK)
    2. Moderator: Christen Hedegaard
    3. Notetaker: Christen Hedegaard
  2. Any comments to the minutes from last Skype conference meeting.
    1. No comments
  3. Discussion of Scope & Objectives for the Hydra Digital Preservation Interest Group
    1. What to report on the next Hydra connect meeting?
      1. Proposal: A brief answer to the questions listed on the main page of the Hydra Digital Preservation Interest Group
      2. Example answer to the question "Does the Hydra architecture, and push towards gemification, offer the potential to plug in OPF or other preservation tools and utilities as standard, modular components?" : Yes it is possible to add potential plug in preservation tools from other communities. FITS has been implemented in a Gem. KBDK is in progress of adding theOPF tool Flint.
    2. The discussion on this skype call of the Scope & Objectives questions for the Hydra Digital Preservation Interest Group  was based on the draft from Christen. See attached pdf .
    3. The questions and suggested answers gave a constructive discussion about Digital Preservation in relation to Hydra. 
    4. There were no major differences in the answers but all would like to add comments,  answers, etc. to the draft for further discussions in the coming skype call.
    5. Also important to get input from  the Hydra community 
    6. Conclusion:
      1. Christen will create a wiki page for further discussion on the coming Skype call of the Scope & Objectives for the Hydra Digital Preservation Interest Group.
  4. Ongoing Digital Preservation activities
    1. University of Hull, London
      1. Report from Archivematica testing
      2. Hull and York have started a testproject in 3 phases to clarify how the combination of Archivematica and Hydra can handle and preserve research data
        1. Phase 1: Test og clarify any missing  functionality
        2. Phase 2: Implement missing functionality
        3. Phase 3: Proof of concept 
    2. University of Yale, New Haven
      1. Crowd sourcing and Spotlight
        1. Has started a testproject to verify the possibility to use Spotlight to crowd sourcing and feed back the information to Sufia.
      2. Performence of Droid
        1. Has million of files to ingest, but has a perfomence problem with DROID
        2. Current capacity is only 5 files/min.
        3. Working on solving this performence problem 
      3. Testing of DPN  
        1. Yale is one of the nodes in the DPN
        2. In pilot test, and has uploaded several tousends bags
    3. The Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark:
      1. Preservation planniing
        1. Has started performence test of Hydra characterization Gem.
    4. <Please insert:> Name of institution: Activity
  5. Update of DPG tasklist
  6. Next Meeting(s)?
    1. May the 21st
    2. Please note that the next meeting is the third Thursday in May (21st) and will be a presentation of the HydraDAM2 project.
    3. For the June skype conference call, there is no final agreement, but Linda Newman is working on getting Chip German from APtrust to give a presentation.
    4. It was suggested to get someone from OPF to give a presentation of OPF tools.
      1. Christen investigates whether this is possible 
  7. Any Other Business
    1. None