Events, presentations and articles
For Partner meetings agendas and notes, see Samvera Partner Meetings
For the Samvera full Samvera Meetings and Events Diary see Samvera Events Calendar
See also Related Conferences for a list of other conferences taking place where a Samvera presence might be desirable (and/or to avoid scheduling conflicts)
Forthcoming Events
One or more members of the Samvera Community will be attending the following events. Events listed with the Samvera icon were organized by or on behalf of Hydra (our previous name).
are organised by or on behalf of Samvera, those labelledSamvera Partner meeting
Spring 2021 tbc | On-line
Samvera Virtual Connect 2021
April 2021 tbc | Online
Samvera Connect 2021
Fall 2021 tbc | On-line
Past events (with presentations if available)
16 - 18 November 2020 | Virtual | Now virtual and moved to November due to the COVID-19 disruption
22-23 and 26-29 October 2020 | On-line
Fall 2020 Samvera Partner meeting
14-15 October 2020 | On-line
14-15 May 2020 | Online
27-28 April 2020 | On-line
8-11 March 2020 | Westin Hotel, Pittsburgh
Solar Vortex - Samvera Developer Congress
22-24 January 2020 | UC San Diego
CNI Fall 2019 Membership Meeting
9-10 December 2019 | Omni Shoreham Hotel Washington, DC
22-25 October 2019 | Washington University in St Louis, MO
21 October 2019 | Washington University in St Louis
21 October 2019 | Washington University in St Louis
13-17 October 2019 | Tampa, Florida
Samvera European Regional Group
October 10 2019 | University of Hull
Notch8 Hyrax and Hyku User Workshop
26-27 September | San Diego, CA
Linked Data working meeting
24-27 September | Stanford University Libraries
Samvera Camp (introductory)
9-12 September 2019 | UCLA
24-28 June 2019 | Göttingen, Germany
10-13 June 2019 | Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Samvera West Coast Regional Meeting
23 May 2019 | UC San Diego
29-30 April 2019 | IUPUI, Indianapolis
23-24 April 2019 | Online
Samvera European Regional Group
28 March 2019 | University of Oxford
Invitation only
25-27 March 2019 | Stanford University
Samvera European Regional Group
13 December 2018 | Senate House, University of London
CNI Fall 2018 Membership meeting
10-11 December 2018 | Washington DC
2018 DLF Forum
14-18 October 2018 | Las Vegas
9-12 October 2018 | University of Utah, Salt Lake City
8 October 2018 | University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Sandy Metz/POOD II
3-5 October 2018 | Durham, NC
Samvera Camp
24-27 September 2018 | Durham, NC
Samvera European Regional Group
20 September 2018 | Senate House, University of London
11 July 2018 | On-line: full details at the link above
2-3 July 2018 | Royal Society of Edinburgh
4-7 June 2018 | Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana
- Samvera workshop for OR18: Presentation
7-9 May 2018 | Minneapolis, MN
23-26 April 2018 | Portland, Oregon
Samvera European Regional Group
19 April 2018 | Senate House, University of London
29-30 March 2018 | Stanford University
29-30 March 2018 | Stanford University
Invitation only
26-28 March 2018 | Stanford University
Samvera West Coast Regional meeting
16 March 2018 | Henry Madden Library, Fresno State in Fresno, CA
14 December 2017 | LSE, London
6-9 November 2017 | Evanston, IL
Fedora and Samvera Camp
4-8 September | University of Oxford, UK
Samvera European Regional Group
27 July 2017 | LSE, London
18 July 2017 | Online
Open Repositories 2017
26-29 June 2017 | Brisbane, Australia
8-10 May 2017 | Minneapolis, MN
Hydra Camp
17-20 April 2017 | Emory University
Hydra Developers' congress
30-31 March 2017 | Stanford University
Hydra Partner meeting
30-31 March 2017 | Stanford University
Invitation-only event
27-29 March 2017 | Stanford University
10 February 2017 | UC Santa Cruz
3-6 October 2016 | Boston, MA
19-23 September 2016 | State College, PA
24-26 August 2016 | University of Michigan School of Information
7 July 2016 | On-line: full details at the link above
13-16 June, 2016 | Dublin, Ireland
Annual open source conference for the repository community
May 2016 | University of Michigan. Ann Arbor
24-25 March 2016 | Stanford University
Invitation-only event
24-25 March 2016 | Stanford University
Invitation-only event
21-23 March 2016 | Stanford University
26 February 2016 | UCSB
22-25 February 2016 | UCSB
3-5 February 2016 | UCSD
21-24 September, 2015 | Minneapolis, Minnesota
8-11 June, 2015 | Indianapolis, Indiana
Annual open source conference for the repository community
List of Hydra-related presentations etc at OR2015
Hydra Northeast (US) Regional Meeting
7 May 2015 | Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
23-24 April 2015 | London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London
20-23 April 2015 | London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London
Hydra Developers' congress
26-27 March 2015 | Stanford University
Hydra Power Steering meeting
Invitation-only event
26-27 March 2015 | Stanford University
Invitation-only event
23-25 March 2015 | Stanford University
Hydra: many heads, many connections. Enriching Fedora Repositories with ORCID (slides and recording)
2 April 2015 | Duraspace Hot Topics Series: Integrating ORCID Persistent Identifiers with DSpace, Fedora and VIVO
13 March 2015 | Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
9-12 March 2015 | Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Post-Code4Lib Hydra Developers' meeting
12-13 February 2015 | UoPDX Library, Portland, Oregon
9-12 February 2015 | Portland Hilton (Portland, OR)
- RailsBridge (Carolyn Cole)
- Intro to Blacklight (Justin Coyne, Mark Bussey, Jessie Keck)
- GeoHydra / GeoBlacklight (Jack Reed, Darren Hardy, Bess Sadler)
- Dive into Hydra (Possibly with a focus on installing Worthwhile) (Justin Coyne, Mark Bussey, Bess Sadler)
- Orienting newcomers and/or Q&A - possible times
10th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC)
9-12 February 2015 | Royal College of General Practitioners, 30 Euston Square (London, UK)
a. Meeting institutional needs for digital curation through shared endeavour: the application of Hydra/Fedora at the University of Hull (Chris Awre)
CNI Fall Member Meeting
8-9 December 2014 | Washington DC
- Digital Repository Development at Yale Library, from Michael Dula, CTO of Yale Library
27-29 October 2014 | Atlanta, Georgia
There is a wealth of Hydra and Hydra-related content at DLF this year. If you won't be able to make it to Hydra Connect 2 (Cleveland, Sept 30-Oct 2), or if you want to carry on the conversation with the broader community, you should consider booking early to DLF; they tend to fill up relatively early.
- Hydra Installfest: Monday, October 27, 1:30-3:30pm, Salons 1,2,3
- Developing With Hydra: Tuesday, October 28, 1:30-3:30pm, Salons 1,2,3
- DevOps for Digital Repositories
- Sustaining Open Source Software
- The Future of Fedora: Update on Fedora 4
- Avalon Media System: Implementation and Community
- Spotlight: A Self-Service Tool for Showcasing Digital Collections
- Placing the IR Within the User's Workflow: Connecting Hydra-based Repositories with Zotero
- Running Up That Hill: The Academic Preservation Trust: A Community Based Approach to Digital Preservation
Hydra UK Regional meeting
22 October 2014 | London School of Economics and Political Science
8-11 October 2014 | Savannah, Georgia
Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) annual conference
30 September - 3 October 2014 | Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio
Annual gathering of the Hydra Community - 4 days including workshops, plenary and breakout sessions
27-29 August 2014 | Santiago and Valparaiso, Chile
Dive into Hydra workshop (in Spanish) as part of Innovatics conference
Keynote speaker (Bess Sadler)
26-29 August 2014 | Princeton, New Jersey
Four day Hydra Developer training class - syllabus
9-13 June, 2014 | Helsinki, Finland
Annual open source conference for the repository community. See below the list of Hydra-related talks accepted, with timings and links to abstracts on the OR2014 conference website.
- WK1A and WK2A: GIS in Digital Repositories, 9th June, 9:00am-5:00pm - Abstract
- WK1G: Introduction to Hydra for Developers, 9th June, 9:00-12:30 - Abstract
- WK2E: DevOps for Digital Libraries, 9th June, 1:30-5:00 - Abstract
- WK2F: Implementing RDF metadata in Hydra, 9th June, 1:30-5:00 - Abstract
- WK3B: Hydra for Managers, 9th June, 5:30-7:00 - Abstract
OR2014 Plenary
- P3C: Self-deposit, discovery, and delivery of scientific datasets using GeoHydra, 10th June, 3:00-4:15 - Abstract
- P4A: Spotlight: A Blacklight Plugin for Showcasing Digital Collections, 11th June, 11:15-12:30 - Abstract
- P4A: Hacking User Experience in a Repository Service: ScholarSphere as a Case Study, 11 June, 11:15-12:30 - Abstract
- P4B: Distributed Repositories of Medieval Calendars and Crowd-Sourcing of Transcription, 11 June 11:15-12:30 - Abstract
- P4B: From Local Practice to Linked Open Data: Rethinking Metadata in Hydra, 11 June, 11:15-12:30 - Abstract
- P4C: Building Successful, Open Repository Software Ecosystems: Technology and Community, 11th June, 11:15-12:30 - Abstract
- P7A: Building the ‘Digital’ Library: Routes to Managing our Institutional Digital Learning, Teaching and Research Assets Together, 12th June, 11:15-12:30 - Abstract
- P7A: From library repository to university-wide service: Stanford Digital Repository as a case study, 12th June, 11:15-12:30 - Abstract
- P7C: Leveraging Agile & Resourcing for Success - Hydramata, Avalon, Fedora 4 and Islandora (panel), 12th June, 11:15-12:30- Abstract
- P8A: Audio and Video Repositories at Scale: Indiana University’s Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative, 12th June, 1:30-2:20 - Abstract
- P8B: Sustaining your open source project through training: a Hydra case study, 12th June, 1:30-2:20 - Abstract
- P8B: Hydramata: Building a Nimble Solution with Hydra to Transcend the Institutional Repository, 12th June, 1:30-2:20 - Abstract
Fedora Interest Group
- IG3A (Fedora/Hydra): Facing the Hydra alone: three case studies, 13th June, 11:15-12:30 - Abstract
- IG3A (Fedora/Hydra): Extending the Hydra Head to Create a Pluggable, Extensible Architecture: Diving into the Technology of Hydramata, 13th June, 11:15-12:30 - Abstract
- IG3A (Fedora/Hydra): Issues with Fedora & Hydra, experiences from a research-data-driven implementation, 13th June, 11:15-12:30 - Abstract
- IG4A (Fedora): Avalon Media System project update: a Hydra solution for digital audio and video access. 13th June, 1.30-2.45 - Abstract
Posters and Demonstrations - 10th June, 6:30-9:00 - Abstracts
- Hydra Europe
- Avalon Media System demonstration
ORCID Outreach and CodeFest Meeting
21-22 May 2014 | Chicago
Outreach meeting for customers, ORCID members, and researchers highlighting solutions and adoption strategies.
- ORCID Identifiers in Repositories Panel: ORCID Hydra Plug-in
6-9 May | Minneapolis
Four day Hydra developer training
Hydra Developers Congress -
24-25 April 2014 | Stanford University
Two day in-person Hydra Developer coding fest
Hydra "Power" Steering meeting - invitation only -
24-25 April 2014 | Stanford University
Two day strategic planning event - Hydra Steering Group and Invited advisers only
LAMDevConX - invitation only
21-23 April 2014 | Stanford University
Library, Archive, and Museum technical summit - invitation only event
European Hydra Camp -
8-11 April 2014 | Trinity College Dublin
Four day Hydra developer training course
7-8 April 2014 | Trinity College Dublin
European Hydra symposium to introduce prospective users to Hydra
Code4Lib 2014
24 - 27 March | Raleigh, NC
Annual grassroots library technologist conference in the US
Pre-conference workshops:
- Intro to Blacklight
- Blacklight hackfest
- Rails Bridge intro to programming
- GeoHydra: Managing Geospatial Content
Scheduled talks:
- Building for others (and ourselves): the Avalon Media System
- Sustaining your Open Source project through training
- Behold Fedora 4: The Incredible Shrinking Repository!
ORCID Dev Congress
4-7 March 2014 | Chicago Dev House
ORCID and Hydra Plug-in integration Adopter and Contributor Dev Meeting to jump start adoption
21-24 January 2014 | UCSD, San Diego
CNI Fall 2013
9-10 Dec 2013 | Washington, DC
DLF 2013
4-6 Nov 2013 | Austin, TX
EOD Conference
17-18 October 2013 | National Library of Technology, Prague, Czech Republic
From content silos to an integrated digital library (Royal Library project presentation, including slides about Hydra)
1-4 October 2013 | Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
HydraCamp Syllabus - Fall 2013
DARIAH General VCC Meeting
5-6 September 2013 | Copenhagen, Denmark
Using Hydra/Fedora for digital library infrastructure (5 minutes presentation)
OR13 Conference
7-13 July 2013 | Prince Edward Island, Canada
19-21 June 2013 | University of Geneva, Switzerland
Hydra Camp
8-12 April 2013 | Dublin
25-27 March 2013 | Stanford
Code4Lib 2013
February 11-14 | Chicago, IL
Hydra UK
22 November 2012, LSE, London
- Introduction to Hydra by Chris Awre
- Hydra in Hull by Richard Green
- Hydra@GCU: a repository for audio and video by Caroline Webb
- Hydra at LSE by Ed Fay
- Hydra at Oxford by Neil Jefferies
- Hydra UK discussion notes
- Twitter hashtag for ongoing comment and discussion - #hydrauk
- Ariadne event report
Hydra Webinar Series - Fall, 2012
- DuraSpace Webinar Hub
- Series Announcement - Hydra Webinar Series - 2012
- Webinar 1 – Introduction to Hydra, presented by Tom Cramer (Sept 25, 2012)
- Webinar 2 - A Case Study on General Repository Applications, presented by Rick Johnson and Richard Green (Oct 16, 2012)
- Webinar 3 - Hydra Technical Deep Dive, presented by Matt Zumwalt (scheduled for Oct 30, 2012, but recorded separately due to Superstorm Sandy)
OR12 Conference
9-13 July 2012, Edinburgh – Schedule of Hydra Events at OR12 in Edinburgh
- Intro to Hydra for OR12 PreConWorkshop by Chris Awre
- HydraSphere: One Body, Many More Heads, One Year Later Fedora User Group panel on Hydra, by Tom Cramer
- Hylandora by Tom Cramer and Jonathan Green
- Hydra Framework Technical Update for OR12 by Matt Zumwalt
- Seaside Research Portal: A Best of Breed Approach to Digital Exhibits and Collection Management by Rick Johnson
- Towards a mature, multi-purpose repository for the institution by Chris Awre
26-28 March 2012, Stanford
CNI 2011
December 12 - 13, 2011 | Arlington, VA
Hydra: One Body, Many Heads for Repository-Powered Library Applications
31 Oct - 1 November, 2011 | Baltimore
Hypatia Proposal, Powerpoint
OR11 Conference
7-11 June 2011 | Austin
Main conference presentation
- Building the Hydra - Enhancing Repository Provision through Multi-Institution Collaboration: Chris Awre
Fedora track 24/7 block:
- SALT, ETDs and EEMs - Stanford's suite of Hydra services: Tom Cramer
- Libra - an unmediated, self-deposit, institutional repository at the University of Virginia : Julie Meloni
- Hydra in Hull: Richard Green
- A Hydra head for Northwestern University Digital Image Library: Bill Parod
- Hydra-based digital exhibits gallery at Notre Dame: Dan Brubaker Horst
Fedora track: Tools and integration
- Hydra technical deep-dive: Matt Zumwalt
Hydra-related presentations
- CLIF: Moving repositories upstream in the content lifecycle: Richard Green and Simon Waddington
21 - 23 March 2011 | Stanford University
7-10 February, 2011 | Bloomington, Indiana
Related Presentations:
- Digital Exhibits at Notre Dame Using Hydra by Rick Johnson & Dan Brubaker Horst
- Opinionated Metadata by Matt Zumwalt
Fedora UK & Ireland group meeting
13 December 2010 | London School of Economics and Political Science
1-3 November 2010 | Palo Alto, CA
Tom Cramer & Matt Zumwalt's presentation
4-8 October 2010 | Minneapolis
Repository Fringe
September 2010 | Edinburgh
Presentation: Hydra - Chris Awre (Video)
OR10 Conference
6-9 July 2010 | Madrid
Related Presentations:
Hydra: a technical and community framework for customised, shared repository applications
Blacklight: Levaraging a Rich Discovery Interface in Open Repository Architectures
23 - 25 March 2010 | Stanford University
Fedora UK & Ireland User Group, Fedora EU User Group
8 December 2009 | Oxford
- The Hydra initiative: Underpinning repository interaction for research support - Chris Awre
- Content models in the Hydra Project - Richard Green
Fedora UK & Ireland User Group
9 June 2009 | Dublin, Republic of Ireland
18-21 May 2009 | Atlanta, GA
- Designing and building a reusable framework for multipurpose, multifunction, multi-institutional repository-powered solutions - available here
- Case studies in workflow: Three approaches - available here
Related Conferences
- Annual schedule of Samvera-related conferences which Samverans may be interested in attending