Samvera Virtual Connect 2018

Samvera Virtual Connect 2018

Samvera Virtual Connect 2018 took place on Wednesday, July 11, 2018.

Watch a video recording of the event or view presentation slides and community notes via links on the program page.

What is Samvera Virtual Connect 2018?

Samvera Virtual Connect (SVC), is an opportunity for Samvera Community participants to gather online to touch base on the progress of community efforts at a roughly halfway point between face-to-face Samvera Connect meetings. Samvera is a growing, active community with many initiatives taking place across interest groups, working groups, local and collaborative development projects, and other efforts, and it can be difficult for community members to keep up with all of this activity on a regular basis. SVC will give the Samvera community a chance to come together to catch up on developments, make new connections, and re-energize itself towards Samvera Connect 2018 in Salt Lake City in October.

When will Samvera Virtual Connect 2018 take place?

Samvera Virtual Connect 2018 will take place online on Wednesday, 11 July 2018 from 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM EDT (8:00 AM – 11:30 AM PDT / 16:00-19:30 BST / 15:00-18:30 UTC).

How can I attend Samvera Virtual Connect 2018?

SVC 2018 will be delivered online via Zoom webinar technology. There is no charge for participation. To sign up to attend, please register at:


Who can participate in Samvera Virtual Connect 2018?

Any institution or individual working with or interested in Samvera is invited to attend. There is no charge for participation.

How will Samvera Virtual Connect be structured?

The Samvera Virtual Connect 2018 Program is now available.

SVC 2018 will consist of short-to-medium length presentations by members of the Samvera community that are of general interest to the community – similar to the plenary sessions on the first day of Samvera Connect. These presentations will be of three types:

  • Medium length topical presentations

  • “Virtual lightning talks” from members of the Samvera community

  • Brief community updates from Samvera Interest and Working Groups

Due to limitations of online meeting technologies and time zones, unlike Samvera Connect, SVC 2018 will not include individual interest group, working group, and breakout sessions.

I can't make it. Will Samvera Virtual Connect be recorded for later viewing?

Yes, Samvera Virtual Connect will be recorded, and information on how to view the recording will be sent out to the Samvera email lists and posted here after the event.

Is there a Code of Conduct for the event?

Yes, thank you for asking:

How can I propose a presentation?

Presentation submissions are now closed. 

How can I propose a lightning talk?

Lightning talk submissions are now closed. 

How do I sign up to give an Interest or Working Group update?

Sign-up for Interest or Working Group updates are now closed.

What if I have other questions?

Please post your questions to the samvera-community list, or contact a member of the Samvera Virtual Connect 2018 program committee:

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