Planning a Samvera Virtual Connect Meeting

Planning a Samvera Virtual Connect Meeting

This page is currently under development.

Planning a Samvera Virtual Connect

  1. Gather together a team of people to help

    1. Look at previous year’s survey results for people who volunteered

    2. Put out call for volunteers on lists/Slack

    3. Good to include at least one member from prior year for continuity

      1. Helpful if that person also chairs the committee but not necessary

  2. Determine technology to use and who will be responsible to host it

    1. This past event seemed to work smoothly with Zoom Webinar

      1. Many Samvera Partners (including UCSB, Stanford, Indiana, Penn State) have Zoom site licenses; may need to request webinar license specifically

    2. Consider something that will be easy for everyone to sign into and use

    3. Tech features

      1. Screen sharing is needed

      2. Ability for host to manage participants and speakers

      3. Ability for host to mute speakers and participants

      4. Record the event

      5. Chat

      6. Q&A feature (not required; but if used again more guidance would be helpful)

      7. Registration process put event on calendar (nice feature)

  3. Determine how long and time frame

    1. The 11 AM - 2 PM ET seems to work for all time zones that might want to participate, however there have been complaints from ET zone that it interferes with lunch

    2. One suggestion was to split the event over 2 days

  4. Determine the event format - number of speakers, lightning talk, etc

    1. See previous programs:

      1. 2018

      2. 2017

      3. 2016
    2. 2017 felt pressed for time, may want to consider less, or more spread out

      1. Some suggestions to split into 2 days or 2 tracks

      2. May want to reconsider I/G, WG reports - adds time, lowest rated component from survey - altho still good

    3. More Q&A time was requested

      1. Build Q&A time into schedule

    4. Important to have break of at least 15 minutes to allow for schedule slip

  5. Contact speakers/presenters

  6. Pick a date for the event that speakers and planners can attend

    1. Previously this was shortly after OR, but starts to get into summer vacations

    2. Ensure does not conflict with other events that significant numbers of community members may be involved in - See DLF Community Calendar and Samvera-related conferences for possible conflicts.

  7. Create wiki page for event under Samvera Virtual Connect page

    1. Add entry and link on Events, presentations and articles wiki page

    2. Request link be added to Samvera wiki home page and Samvera web site

  8. Publicize the date and time of the event to the Samvera Community

    1. All lists - partners, community, tech

    2. Slack

    3. Partner meeting (phone)

    4. Get event on wiki page calendar (upcoming events)

    5. Logos are available on the Samvera wiki: Templates, slides and logos for presentations and articles

  9. Once program is together, send out reminders to community

  10. Promote registration

    1. Eventbrite? Or through Zoom’s webinar registration facility if using Zoom.

  11. Get slides in advance or decide on how to handle switch to new speaker

    1. Shared slide deck for IG/WG reports was helpful

  12. Determine a rehearsal time for everyone

    1. Can be separate - speakers vs interest group reports vs lightning talks

    2. And additional hosts and Moderator

    3. Hold practice sessions for presenters; provide them with written instructions as well

      1. 2018 presenter instructions

      2. 2017 presenter instructions 

  13. Determine planning committee roles during the event -

    1. Hosts

      1. Helpful to have more than one person serve as host - one to manage people, one to manage chat, and one to manage time

        1. 2018 roles & responsibilities

    2. Moderator

  14. Host having a detailed script of the schedule of speakers and presentations

    1. 2018 script

    2. 2017 script

  15. Moderator: Explain technology to participants at the beginning so people understand how the Q&A works, that participants are not able to talk,  - housekeeping details

  16. Possible resources for schedules or lists:

  17. Develop post-event survey

    1. 2017 survey

After the event:

  1. Download / edit event recording

  2. Upload video to Samvera YouTube account

  3. Send out survey to lists and to registered participants

    1. Zoom has ability to send out scheduled emails to all registered participants as well (make sure you allow enough time to add slides, videos, links, etc. before scheduled distribution)

  4. Link slides and video from Samvera wiki page for the event


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