Samvera Virtual Connect 2017 Program
Samvera Virtual Connect 2017 Program
Samvera Virtual Connect 2017 took place on Tuesday, July 18, 2017.
Watch a video recording of the event or view presentation slides via links in the program below.
11:00-11:05 AM EDT | Welcome and Housekeeping: Karen Cariani |
11:05 AM - 12:20 PM EDT | Featured Presentations: |
11:05-11:30 | Fedora 4: Andrew Woods (DuraSpace) |
11:30-11:55 | |
11:55-12:20 | Hyrax Metadata: Tom Johnson (Data Curation Experts) and Christina Harlow (Stanford University) |
12:20-12:35 PM EDT | Break |
12:35-12:40 PM EDT | Steering Update: Richard Green |
12:40-1:30 PM EDT | Lightning Talks: |
12:40-12:50 | Samvera, Willow and RDM in Europe: Richard Jones (Cottage Labs) |
12:50-1:00 | Integrating High-Latency Storage with Samvera: Don Brower (University of Notre Dame) |
1:00-1:10 | |
1:10-1:20 | DSpace to Samvera: Aaron Collier (California State University) |
1:20-1:30 | Realigning Avalon: David Schober (Northwestern University) and Chris Colvard (Indiana University) |
1:30-2:00 PM EDT | Interest and Working Group Reports: