Hydra Europe Spring Events 2015

Hydra Europe Spring Events 2015






Hydra Europe Symposium

Hydra Europe Symposium - an event for digital collection managers, collection owners and their software developers that will provide insights into how Hydra can serve your needs

  • Thursday 23rd April - Friday 24th April 2015
  • This event is free of charge.  Lunch and refreshments will be provided on both days
  • Attendees are welcome for all or part of the program on the two days.  If the first Thursday session is likely to be too basic for you it will be perfectly acceptable to join the event at Thursday lunchtime.
  • If this event shows fully booked you are welcome to put your name on the Wait List that EventBrite offers.


Presentations are now linked from the programme

 For the less technicalFor the more technical
Thursday 23rd 10.30am - 11.00am Registration 
Thursday 23rd 11.00am - 1.00pm 

Hydra from 35,000 feet, and
Demonstrations of contrasting production Hydra sites 

The first part of this session is aimed mainly at people coming new to Hydra and will comprise a general introduction to the software and the Hydra community.

Welcome - Chris Awre, University of Hull

Hydra from 35,000ft - Chris Awre, University of Hull

The second part will consist of a number of demonstrations and may be of interest to a wider audience

  • LSE
  • Digital Repository of Ireland
  • Royal Library, Denmark

In order to pack more in, a number of the demonstrations employed existing screencasts which can be found at the links below. Note that the screencasts for ScholarSphere and Hull are both getting a little dated!

 LunchLunch and registration
Thursday 23rd 2.00pm - 4.30pm

Adopting Hydra

This session will attempt to give an overview of what it means to adopt Hydra, likely including such things as... What resources will it need (human and technical)? How do I go about migrating from my existing system to a Hydra-based one? As a "less technical" person, what should I know about the technology? I hear that Hydra is moving from using Fedora 3 as its underlying repository to Fedora 4 - what does that mean for me?

Code sharing; Hydra labs; the Hydra codebase

Early eveningOptional dinnerOptional dinner
Friday 24th 9.30am - 12.00pm


The content of the Friday session for the more technical attendees will be determined by those who register to come. We have a number of topics and sessions that we would be happy to put on and you are invited to vote for which one(s) you would like to have happen. On offer are such things as:

  • Blacklight customisation
  • Fedora 4: Linked data and RDF
  • Developer lounge (share your problems and solutions)
  • "Just" chill out and network with other developers


Friday 24th 1.00pm - 3.30pm
  • Fedora 4 - Mark Bussey, Data Curation Experts
  • Linked Data - live demo, no slides - Mark Bussey, Data Curation Experts
  • Open Access - Chris Awre, University of Hull



Hydra Camp London - a training event enabling technical staff to learn about the Hydra technology stack so they can establish their own implementation

  • Monday 20th April - lunchtime Thursday 23rd April 2015
  • Delegates then have the opportunity to stay for part or all of the Symposium where the technical strand may be of particular interest (separate registration required).


Data Curation Experts will lead a 3.5 day HydraCamp from Monday 20th April - lunchtime Thursday 23rd April 2015.  HydraCamp is open to all developers interested in building skills working with the Hydra technology framework.  High-level course topics incliude:

  • Ruby, Rails, and collaborative development using Github
  • The Hydra framework including Fedora and Solr
  • Content and Metadata datastreams
  • Blacklight including search and faceting
  • Advanced Topics and Participant Q&A

Space is limited to 20 students, so sign up now!

At the end of the Camp proper, attendees are very welcome to join the Hydra Symposium described above. 




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