Spotlight on Spotlight at Yale

Spotlight on Spotlight at Yale

Where: Yale University
When: Tuesday, August 9th and Wednesday, August 10th, 2016 (10:00 AM - 4:00 PM)

Who: Exhibit curators, librarians, collection owners, executives, sysadmins, developers

Twitter: #spotlighteventyale
Slack: https://spotlightonspotlight.slack.com
Event websiteSpotlight on Spotlight at Yale
Project Website: https://github.com/projectblacklight/spotlight

Those who were unable to attend the event can watch a recorded version of the presentation on the Yale Center for British Art's website:



Wifi for visitors: eduroam or YaleGuest

Yale University is planning to host a two-day introduction to Spotlight. Spotlight is open source software that enables librarians, curators, and other
content experts to easily build feature-rich websites that showcase collections and objects from a digital repository, uploaded items, or a combination of
the two. Spotlight is a plug-in for Blacklight, an open source, Ruby on Rails Engine that provides a basic discovery interface for searching an Apache
Solr index.


The event will include a presentation of the application by its creators from Stanford, demonstrations by adopters, a session for service
stakeholders, break out sessions, and hands-on sessions.

Presentation streaming (Tue 10AM): www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvFbIUvNTNI

Demo app for hands-on session: https://github.com/projectblacklight/spotlight_day_demo


Tue 10AM-12PM - main demonstration (YCBA lecture hall)

Tue 1:30-3PM - plenary discussion (YCBA lecture hall)

Tue 3-5PM - developer breakout (YCBA lecture hall)

Wed 9AM-5PM - continued developer session (Bass L01-L06)

Featured Guests

Stuart Snydman (Stanford University Libraries)

For over 15 years Stuart Snydman has worked at the Stanford University Libraries (SUL) to advance a vision of the library of the future through digitization and open source software development.  As Associate Director for Digital Strategy, Stuart directs SUL’s digital library access program, overseeing development of its various discovery and delivery services.  He also helps steer the library’s digitization program, directing the operations of its six digital imaging labs.  More recently, Stuart has taken on a leadership role with the Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research (CIDR), SUL’s digital humanities and computational social sciences research and development group, working with faculty to leverage digital technologies to advance their research.

Gary Geisler (Stanford University Libraries)

Gary Geisler is a user experience designer in the Digital Library Systems & Services group at Stanford University Libraries. He has helped design and develop many digital library applications at Stanford, including Spotlight, and is currently leading the design efforts for ArcLight and Hydra-in-a-Box. Gary came to Stanford from the University of Texas at Austin, where he taught in the School of Information and contributed to a wide range of digital library research and development projects.

Chris Beer (Stanford University Libraries)

Chris is a software developer in the Digital Library Systems & Services group at Stanford University Libraries. He is a contributor to the Blacklight, Spotlight, and Hydra projects. 


The main presentation will be open to the public with a capacity of 200 people.  The stakeholder session and development sessions can accommodate 30 people each.  Registration is now open, please register here.  As a courtesy we ask that if you sign up and are later unable to attend please notify at eric.james@yale.edu.

Event Location

The main demonstration will be at the Yale Center For British Art (YCBA) lecture hall. The remaining sessions will be in Bass Library RM L01 and L06 (underground, lower level).

*Please note: no food or drinks are allowed in the YCBA Lecture Hall. 



Bass Library (Enter at Sterling Memorial Library on High Street or Bass Library Steps on cross campus)

Travel and Lodging


161 York St - LAZ lot

additional parking and travel info: http://to.yale.edu/parking-map


The Study at Yale (block of rooms reserved at this link, book by July 18th)

New Haven Hotel

Omni New Haven Hotel at Yale

Courtyard New Haven at Yale


Bradley International Airport (BDL) (1 hr)

Tweed New Haven Airport (HVN) (15 minutes)

Newark Airport (EWR) (2 1/2 hrs)

JFK Airport (JFK) (2 hrs)

Logan Airport (BOS) (3 hrs)


MetroNorth (1 3/4 hr from NYC)

Amtrak (1 3/4 hr from NYC, 2 1/4 hr from Boston)


Restaurants (A small sample)

Zinc (Closed Sundays; Mondays and Saturdays-dinner only) http://zincfood.com
Heirloom (also offers reserved table breakfast) http://www.studyhotels.com/heirloom/
Ibiza Restaurant (Closed Sundays; Friday lunch available) http://www.ibizarestaurantnewhaven.com/
Bangkok Gardens  http://www.bkkgardenct.com/
Mory’s (Closed Sundays; requires member ID; member must be present) http://www.morys1849.org/
Temple Grill http://www.templegrill.com/
Basta Trattoria http://www.bastatrattoria.com/
Vegetarian/Kosher options:  Thali Too, Claire’s Corner Copia, Kosher Kitchen at Slifka Center for Jewish Life, Red Lentil


Blue State Coffee - 84 Wall St

Willoughby's Coffee & Tea - 194 York St

Book Trader Cafe - 1140 Chapel St

Starbucks -  1068-1070 Chapel St

B-Natural Cafe -  1044 Chapel St

Dunkin Donuts - 81 Church St, 1179 Chapel St

Atticus Bookstore/Cafe - 1082 Chapel St

New Haven's famous pizza

Frank Pepe's - 157 Wooster Street

Sally's - 237 Wooster St

Modern - 874 State St

Bar - 254 Crown St

YUL Community Values

Yale University Library’s (YUL) community values serve as a reminder of our principles.  Underpinning these values is a commitment to the free and respectful interchange of ideas.  We, as members of the Yale University Library community, affirm our responsibility and commitment to create and foster a respectful, cooperative, and courteous environment for ourselves and anyone who enters our physical or virtual spaces. We affirm the right of each staff member and library user to utilize these spaces free from harassment or denigration. As members of the YUL community we hold ourselves and each other accountable for abiding by these community values.  We honor our commitments and hold ourselves and each other accountable for them. We treat people equally well regardless of position or status. We honor individual differences and continually strive to create an environment that is diverse and inclusive, in which each person is valued.  We encourage open communication. We think before we speak, listen carefully, respond respectfully, and acknowledge that everyone’s ideas are worthy of consideration.


If you have any questions, please contact us via email at tracy.macmath@yale.edu or eric.james@yale.edu




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