Hydra Europe Symposium - agenda
Agenda and presentations
A blog post from Jenny Mitcham (York), who attended the symposium, can be found here. (Thanks, Jenny.)
Another blog piece from Lucy Ayre and Thom Carter (from LSE) can be found here. (Thanks both.)
Monday 7th April
1:00pm Welcome
1:10pm Hydra project overview Presentation (pptx)
1:40pm Hydra: working together (community operation in detail) Presentation (pptx)
2:00pm Hydra: sharing technology (technical overview) Presentation (pptx)
2:20pm Case studies 1: Trinity College / DRI Presentation (pptx)
2:40pm Break
3:00pm Case studies 2: Royal Library of Denmark Presentation (pptx)
3:20pm Case studies 3: University of Hull Presentation (pptx)
3:40pm Case studies 4: US Hydra use overview Presentation (pptx)
4:00pm Break
4:20pm Vendor support Presentation (pptx)
4:40pm Questions from the day
5:10pm Unconference theme gathering for Day 2 breakouts
~5:30pm End – shared drinks and dinner at agreed locations
Tuesday 8th April
9:00am Welcome and recap from Day 1
9:15am Meeting needs: Hydra flexibility (breakout groups based on identified themes)
10:00am Plenary feedback
10:15am Enabling preservation through Hydra
- Royal Library of Denmark Presentation (pdf)
- Open Planets Foundation Presentation (pdf)
10:45am Break
11:15am Making the case and getting going Presentation (pptx)
12noon Looking ahead: next steps for Hydra Presentation (pptx)
12:30pm Questions and wrap-up
1:00pm Close