Hydra Europe - practical details and options

Hydra Europe - practical details and options

Suggested Hotels

Getting from the Airport to Trinity College Dublin

Note about Dublin Bus: This transport system does not give change to customers, so have loose change for the bus. Exact fares are to be paid on the Dublin Bus network!


A map of the other locations mentioned here, and some additional useful locations, is available at http://goo.gl/maps/181CV.


Hydra Camp

North Training Room, Berkeley Library, Basement, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2.


Hydra Symposium

Swift Lecture Theatre Room 2041A, Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2.


The Science Gallery has a small cafe/restaurant where you can buy a variety of sandwiches and salads. You can see the menu at http://sciencegallery.com/files/CafeMenu.pdf.

There are also many pubs and restaurants serving reasonably priced food in the vicinity of Trinity College. A list of on-campus restaurants and cafes can be found at http://www.tcd.ie/catering/StaffandStudentOutlets/index.php, while some nearby options include:

More options can be found at http://www.menupages.ie/search/results/Dublin.

Lunch Options

As well as the above, the following are nearby for lunches:

Traditional Irish Music

The following pubs play traditional Irish music nightly and also serve Irish food and good beer :)

For up-to-date information on traditional Irish music sessions and other gigs check http://www.dublinsessions.ie/home.html  

Other recommended pubs include