Samvera Tech Call 2021-04-14
Samvera Tech Call 2021-04-14
Meeting Logistics:
- Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
ZOOM connection: https://notredame.zoom.us/j/94030214208
(link will launch Zoom client – if you do not have Zoom, expand the instructions below)
(meeting notes below)
- Samvera Community artifact registries?
- https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/issues/4854
- Publishing the Hyrax and FCRepo helm charts?
- <add your agenda item here (your name)>
Moderator: tamsin johnson
Notetaker: Juliet Hardesty
- tamsin johnson
- Rob Kaufmann
- Collin Brittle
- Lynette Rayle
- Thomas Scherz
- Lea Ann Bradford
- you!
Meeting Process
- Samvera Community artifact registries?
- https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/issues/4854
- Publishing the Hyrax and FCRepo helm charts?
- public registry is good boost - have used Docker Hub previously but rules have changed
- Docker Hub has limited number of users who can manage images
- CI pipelines are also being disrupted by Docker Hub when Docker Hub decides too many calls are being made
- Helm charts are in same situation
- Discussion
- Docker Hub is using Samvera accounts
- changes to Docker Hub policies are recent
- can ask to be an open source org - LD4P is doing this but haven't heard back on request, not sure what that allows
- seemed to be pretty quick form to fill out to make request
- need to check in with Heather Greer Klein about this before we do it
- have to be sure we could actually sign on to whatever this form is asking so this might be more long-term than short-term solution, if it is even a possibility
- is it viable to have a registry for CI/basic builds and then publish final image to Docker Hub? one account is bot account and other account is just for checking in if something breaks
- might be possible but people that currently have access to Docker Hub would have to relinquish access or convert to service accounts for this use
- this would be maintaining automated presence on Docker Hub and that is Samvera's only presence there
- then there are more options for less public registries
- discussion about moving off of Github - where is that right now?
- WG working on this but might be waiting on some deliverables
- Github might also be offering public registries
- Tamsin needed auth token to pull the last time they tried but it's been a year or so
- ended up on Docker Hub because of this
- credential delivery for CI pipelines might be easier so this might be a possibility to use
- Rob will look into what is possible with Github - can access public registries anonymously according to docs
- Harbor might also be an option but has to be hosted
- Harbor, Artifactory, and Chart Museum being tried at UCSD but Chart Museum for sure would not work
- Harbor or something Samvera hosts might be a reasonable stop-gap but not long term
- Samvera.cloud might be workable but it could end up being a large amount of S3 data (in terms of cost to store/maintain)
- If Docker Hub is going away something else is likely to replace it, so that is something else to keep in mind
- Decision: use Github registry
- Publish Hyrax images to Github registry and then publish Helm chart to Github registry; automate both of those publishes
- Helm chart is template for deploying to Kubernetes (cloud-based install)
- Hyrax image is Docker build
- Samvera Help follow-ups?
- none
- PR
- #4869 - could use a review
- #4858 - Ruby support issue; currently blocked; this might not be just a Hyrax issue, it's larger so we might want to sit on this for a bit
- no specific need for Hyrax users to update to 2.7.3
- release notes: https://blog.rubygems.org/2017/11/28/2.7.3-released.html
- next moderator: Lynette Rayle
- next notetaker: Thomas Scherz
, multiple selections available,
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