Samvera Tech Call 2021-11-10
Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL:
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Agenda (meeting notes below)
Making iCLA checking easier @Heather Greer Klein
After Tech Call, review analytics PR: - @Juliet Hardesty
Moderator: @Lynette Rayle
Notetaker: @Collin Brittle
@Heather Greer Klein
@Juliet Hardesty
@Lynette Rayle (Cornell)
@Collin Brittle (Emory)
@Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)
@Max Kadel (UNC Chapel Hill)
@Chris Colvard (Indiana)
Crystal (Notch8)
@Daniel Pierce
Meeting Process
Making iCLA checking easier @Heather Greer Klein
One hurdle is getting a CLA signed. Especially for one-time, or first-time committers.
Also an issue for international contributors
Could we use something like docusign to streamline this?
Is an individual iCLA enough to merge a PR?
A cCLA is necessary as well.
Any contribution not covered with both could poison the well.
Heather is talking with Oasis about whether it is needed at all.
What is the offboarding process?
We don’t have one
The person keeps the iCLA, but the corporate line is replaced with their new employer.
Current process is “I see a PR, I don’t recognize the contributor, ask if they have an iCLA.”
Not automatic, and requires the merger to know everyone.
Linux has an EasyCLA GitHub plugin.
Does this cover cCLAs and iCLAs?
Heather will investigate
After Tech Call, review analytics PR: Analytics by orangewolf · Pull Request #5089 · samvera/hyrax - @Juliet Hardesty