Samvera Tech Call 2021-02-24

Samvera Tech Call 2021-02-24

Meeting Logistics:


(meeting notes below)

  • Translations in Hyrax (Tamsin)
  • Spring Dev Congress planning committee, possible dates (Heather)
  • <add your agenda item here (your name)>

Moderator: Lynette Rayle

Notetaker: Juliet Hardesty


Meeting Process

 Moderator and Note Taker - click to see meeting process...
  1. Standing pre-agenda items (moderator)
    1. Welcome

      • "Welcome everyone, please add your name to the Attendees list.  If you are unable to do so, please let us know, and someone will add you. To any newcomers, Welcome, and please feel free to ask questions. Likewise for all attendees. We strive for an open and accessible conversation around Samvera technology."

    2. Call for new agenda items
  2. Follow Agenda from above (facilitated by moderator) and record notes in Notes section below (note taker)
  3. Standing post-agenda items (moderator)
    1. call for next moderator and note taker (moderator)
      1. Moderator:
      2. Notetaker:
    2. Samvera help follow-up (moderator)
    3. Pull request review (moderator)
  4. Post-meeting action (note taker)
    1. After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call:
      1. Open template agenda titled "Samvera Tech Call 2021-xx-xx"
      2. Click on ... in the top right corner, and select copy.
      3. Popup will open for location. It should contain:
        1. Space: Samvera
        2. Parent page: 2021
      4. Select copy. New page should be created.
      5. Modify the title to remove "copy of", update it with the next date, add moderator, notetaker, and any carry-over agenda info. Click Publish. 


  • Hyrax translations - tamsin
    • Ran automated translations for 3.0 release and that auto-translated 15-20 keys
    • some translations are monitored/managed manually
    • Currently 7 languages, including English
    • Chris C - make Github team for whenever script is run but that doesn't make it easy for those who aren't Github contributors
    • Ubiquity has service (https://weblate.org/en/) they have used for translations and that could be hosted for Samvera Community to use but need way to get contributors to get in there and contribute back to Hyrax
    • Not sure if this has been used in Hyku context, it might have only been for custom front end for Hyku
    • Lynette R - tag folks in Github if there are translations that need to be reviewed (like the Github team idea - @languages or something)
    • problem right now to know which keys have been manually translated and which have been automatically generated
    • unclear which translation keys need review
    • short-lived working group to figure out process or do work at dev congress (+1 for dev congress)
    • also send community email that language keys have been automatically updated and could use review - tamsin can send email
  • Spring Dev Congress planning committee, possible dates - Heather
    • interested to time this around Virtual Connect (April 20-21)
    • week before VC has partner meeting (April 12-13)
    • sign-up for planning committee available
    • summertime dev congress - mentoring focus
    • winter and spring focus on development work
    • date suggestion for spring: April 22-23 (Thursday/Friday)
    • email tech list and #dev Slack for planning committee signup
  • BhavanaAnanda question about Google Analytics on #dev Slack (screenshot of conversation from somewhere else)
    • Lea Ann will see if someone from Notch8 can reply
    • Slack follow-up to see where this conversation is coming from (for context)
  • facilitator next time: tamsin
  • notetaker next time: Heather

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