Samvera Tech Call 2021-02-24
Samvera Tech Call 2021-02-24
Meeting Logistics:
- Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
ZOOM connection: https://notredame.zoom.us/j/94030214208
(link will launch Zoom client – if you do not have Zoom, expand the instructions below)
(meeting notes below)
- Translations in Hyrax (Tamsin)
- Spring Dev Congress planning committee, possible dates (Heather)
- <add your agenda item here (your name)>
Moderator: Lynette Rayle
Notetaker: Juliet Hardesty
- Heather Greer Klein
- Juliet Hardesty
- Lynette Rayle (Cornell)
- Chris Colvard (Deactivated) (Ubiquity Press)
- Lea Ann Bradford (Notch8)
- tamsin johnson (UC Santa Barbara)
- you!
Meeting Process
- Hyrax translations - tamsin
- Ran automated translations for 3.0 release and that auto-translated 15-20 keys
- some translations are monitored/managed manually
- Currently 7 languages, including English
- Chris C - make Github team for whenever script is run but that doesn't make it easy for those who aren't Github contributors
- Ubiquity has service (https://weblate.org/en/) they have used for translations and that could be hosted for Samvera Community to use but need way to get contributors to get in there and contribute back to Hyrax
- Not sure if this has been used in Hyku context, it might have only been for custom front end for Hyku
- Lynette R - tag folks in Github if there are translations that need to be reviewed (like the Github team idea - @languages or something)
- problem right now to know which keys have been manually translated and which have been automatically generated
- unclear which translation keys need review
- short-lived working group to figure out process or do work at dev congress (+1 for dev congress)
- also send community email that language keys have been automatically updated and could use review - tamsin can send email
- Spring Dev Congress planning committee, possible dates - Heather
- interested to time this around Virtual Connect (April 20-21)
- week before VC has partner meeting (April 12-13)
- sign-up for planning committee available
- summertime dev congress - mentoring focus
- winter and spring focus on development work
- date suggestion for spring: April 22-23 (Thursday/Friday)
- email tech list and #dev Slack for planning committee signup
- BhavanaAnanda question about Google Analytics on #dev Slack (screenshot of conversation from somewhere else)
- Lea Ann will see if someone from Notch8 can reply
- Slack follow-up to see where this conversation is coming from (for context)
- facilitator next time: tamsin
- notetaker next time: Heather
, multiple selections available,
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