Samvera Tech Call 2021-09-01
Samvera Tech Call 2021-09-01
Meeting Logistics:
- Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/7739591625
(link will launch Zoom client – if you do not have Zoom, expand the instructions below)
(meeting notes below)
- <add your agenda item here (your name)>
Moderator: tamsin johnson (UC Santa Barbara)
Notetaker: James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
- Heather Greer Klein (Samvera Community)
- Chris Colvard (Indiana University)
- James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
- Rodrigo Cuellar Hildago (COMEX)
- Alberto Martinez (COMEX)
- you!
Meeting Process
- Agenda Items
- Community Manager items (Heather Greer Klein):
- Looking for volunteers to facilitate a November 2021 Developers Congress
- It's time to schedule a Developers Congress for November
- There is now a template for initiating this, but it would be best to have a facilitator to finding a date
- James volunteered for this
- It's time to schedule a Developers Congress for November
- Looking for 30 min Q&A session leaders
- Hyrax Dev. Group meeting proposed this
- This will be scheduled for every two weeks
- Looking for a call for volunteers to facilitate with this
- This is intended to be piloted following Samvera Connect 2021
- The original intention was to have this be a group directed towards those less experienced with Hyrax
- Available for any questions regarding 2022 maintenance pledge drive
- When are we expecting feedback for the pledges?
- September 15th is the tentative date, and this is also going to follow some negotiation regarding time commitments
- Looking for volunteers to facilitate a November 2021 Developers Congress
- Community Manager items (Heather Greer Klein):
- Next Scheduled Tech. Call
- Moderator: Chris Colvard
- Notetaker: James Griffin
- Samvera Help Follow-Up
- https://samvera.slack.com/archives/C0F4P3FFF/p1630450838000800
- This was resolved by Maria Whitaker
- Updating jQuery for Samvera Projects
- Rodrigo: Need to update this due to a security issue
- Needed to disable certain components
- browse-everything has a conflict with jQuery 3.x releases
- https://github.com/ColmexBDCV/colmex_hyrax/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/hyrax/browse_everything.js
- James created https://github.com/samvera/browse-everything/issues/371
- James was aware that https://github.com/ludo/jquery-treetable was included in browse-everything
- This needs to be deprecated, and James can see about addressing this
- Hyrax: Rodrigo has advanced work to support jQuery 3.x releases
- Might it be possible to update this into a pull request?
- The largest issues for upgrading jQuery support conflicts with Blacklight upstream
- Specifically, the https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight_range_limit plugin Gem for Blacklight introduced a number of conflicts
- browse-everything is going to block this, but COLMEX does not require browse-everything
- https://samvera.slack.com/archives/C0F4P3FFF/p1630450838000800
- Pull Request Review
- WIP Pull Request supporting analytics for Hyrax
- This was opened yesterday
- Request for review from anyone who is available
- WIP Pull Request supporting analytics for Hyrax