2023-12-11 Avalon User Roundtable Meeting
Meeting Time
Monday, December 11th at 1 PM EDT
Zoom Link
Avalon user survey
Please fill out ASAP if you haven’t already!
roadmap items can be left blank or marked “not sure” as needed
2 new responses from Virginia and Texas A&M in November!
Jason is working on getting it filled out at NEC, working with their provider
Avalon 7.7 development updates
playlist page with Ramp components
Roadmap items for Avalon for next year
transcript search (within items and across entire collection)
IIIF auth 2.0 support
From user survey, top items to consider
Fedora 6
admin dashboard
Others feedback?
Kee-Young: how to support batch updates on existing items - this would be useful to add series metadata for past items
Kee-Young: export/download a list of items in spreadsheet format to review metadata
Updates/questions from other institutions
Sruthin: want to make Avalon look and feel like an MSU site. Had to make a bunch of changes to views to get the site to look the way that they like. How to retain those updates during future updates.
Heavily working on the home page. Custom header, pre-footer, and footer, as well as background, etc. After that will be customizing the browse/search pages.
Jason: in earlier releases, when uploading on the web, had to use Chrome. In 7.6 and 7.7, should be able to use Firefox.
Kee-Young: is there more documentation on how to use Avalon for course reserves.
Here is public documentation shared with IU instructors: https://uisapp2.iu.edu/confluence-prd/display/MCO/Adding+Streaming+Media+Course+Reserves+to+a+Canvas+Site
Next meeting rescheduled to the third Tuesday in January due to holidays. Scheduled for 1/16/24 at 1pm Eastern.
Future agenda items?
UMD OAI-PMH demo - tentatively schedule for next meeting, 1/16/24
Harvested content will be available through Digital Library of Georgia; eventually DPLA. Labor and Civil Rights in the American South. UMD has AFL-CIO records.
Demo of LTI integration with course management system
Summary of survey responses
Emily Lynema (Indiana)
Jon Cameron (Indiana)
Kee-Young Moon (UMD, Avalon product )
Sruthin Gaddam (MSU, UX)
Jason Coleman (NEC)
Carmel Curtis (Indiana - IULMIA)