2019-07-29 User Round Table Meeting notes

2019-07-29 User Round Table Meeting notes




  • Set Up Interest and Working groups

Discussion items

Hello and Introductions (of new people)

List Serve

Interest and Working Groups

Kate, Jason - how did different users groups would communicate and how that would be formed.

IG - communicatiing back to Primary Group - communicating it back to User Round-Table

Maria's participation - to pay attention to the WG and IG feedback and reporting.  

AI:  Write up how communication works from WG's and IG's and feeds back to the URT and Avalon Proper

Hyku, OHMS and other things RandyRandy

Moving from ContentDM to HyKu - Louisville wanted to migrate off ContentDM model.  Also have OHMS and Avalon.  OHMS is in production and Avalon is in the works.  (6.5)

Will have three different Samvera instances, OHMS system, Digital Collections exhibit (HyKu) and Music Library.  Starting to use as reserves this semester.  OHMS will use Avalon to host oral histories.  Front-end will be Hyrax. 

Core digital collections moving over.  

Looking at merging OHMS - incorporate OHMS into Avalon, plug in or on install.  Randy has been looking at different methods since Indiana - engine or gem - looking at OHMS player that's js - almost complete, mainly for testing purposes.

For testing purposes.  And to share.  Indiana has something to look at and some code to look at.  

Plenty to discuss next Wednesday - talk about next steps.  Maria- 

Ryan's Transition

Action items


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