Connect with Avalon
Avalon's public contact address is This will message members of the Avalon team at Indiana Uniersity.
Mailing Lists
The primary mailing list for those using or interested in learning more about the Avalon Media System. This list will include announcements about upcoming developments, new releases, and meetings as well as technical- or feature-oriented discussions among those evaluating, piloting, or implementing Avalon. (Subscribe)
Avalon's public Slack channel provides a forum for users, developers and system administrators to quickly and conveniently message with the Avalon team.
Joining the Samvera Slack team requires an invitation, but anyone can generate an automatic invite to the Samvera slack channel using the following form:
Read, clone, fork the Avalon code. You can also find many repositories of supporting tools and components within our GitHub organization.
Community Group
Avalon User Roundtable
The User Roundtable is a community group open to the Avalon community and beyond — anyone interested in talking with other Avalon users, the Avalon team, and media concerns are welcome to join.