2019-06-03 User RT Meeting notes

2019-06-03 User RT Meeting notes



  • rsteans

  • Alan & Jason

    David S





    Steven UVA


Discussion items

  •         Regular Meeting Time – please bring suggestions
  •         Round-Table on your campus

o   Alerting your bosses

o   Sending a letter

o   Sharing Reports

o   Report out

·         OHMS, Louisville and example of what we’d like to try
  • A letter -

    Work that really has a demonstrable output, documentation activity

    Language that can be pulled from - communicate what we’re doing, explain to anyone in library what we’re doing

    NEC - in annual evaluation, right verbiage for people who do performance eval, convince folks upstream we’re doing the work

  •         Librarian Round-Up

o   Doodle Poll Released:  https://doodle.com/poll/s7aukivevb3mgz63

  •         Checking in with attendees

Maryland - pilot (Kate) about 9 months

Group that formed - production with Avalon, primary AV repository

Unknown - UMD just hired a new dean

  •     Leaders Round-Table


OHMS, Louisville and example of what we’d like to try

UMD, Jason, Emily, Irene, Randy -

Irene did some testing with OHMS and Avalon - Shannon Davis,

Action items

  • AI - Get letter done and out

    AI - Get that next meeting scheduled -OHMS scheduled

    AI - 1:00 PM Eastern every two weeks, 17th

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