2023-10-9 Avalon User Roundtable Meeting
Meeting Time
Monday, October 9th at 1 PM EDT
Zoom Link
Avalon user survey
Please fill out by October 16!
roadmap items can be left blank or marked “not sure” as needed
Avalon 7.7 development updates
coming along with bringing Ramp onto media object page and getting started with playlist page
should be able to demo media object page at next roundtable
user testing planned for early November (hopefully)
Other updates
Avalon running in test on Fedora 6 with ActiveFedora and small dataset of several hundred items
Testing performance for items with many sections add/edit/delete
at Fedora virtual showcase, those working with Fedora 6 and Hyrax noted that they had a lot of OCFL objects created by ActiveFedora. We should check into that in Avalon; does the content migrated to OCFL make any sense
Updates from other institutions
for CLIR-funded grant - requirement that materials are able to be harvested
implemented for Fedora paged image repository and Avalon streaming media repository
talks to Solr in both cases and exposes metadata as DC
have to be able to support time-boxed harvest
Solr “system_modified_dtsi” is not updated when descriptive metadata is updated
What would actually trigger a change in the media object that would update this field?
right now, using the timestamp of the Solr document update date instead as the last modified date
Use case: harvest anything that has been updated within a certain point of time. This is a required part of OAI-PMH protocol.
What will happen to the timestamp field if have to re-index? Will all those records appear to have been updated? This is not ideal.
New items - expect these to show up as recently modified - will timestamp on the Solr record have create date for new items.
What types of changes would we want to trigger a modified date update?
for this particular implementation, they are only harvesting the resource description metadata
currently only exposing items that are public to OAI-PMH. If something becomes public, would want it to get picked up by of a date modified query - that would imply changes to access control changing the modified date.
is there some way to push out a date modified into Solr that covers resource description and access control?
Digitization period of grant is over; still finalizing OAI-PMH for Avalon. Hope to make this available soon.
Could OAI-PMH be contributed back to Avalon? Tried to follow the spec for OAI-PMH, so would probably be generalizable. They would be interested in contributing it back if there is interest.
Future agenda items?
Harvested content will be available through Digital Library of Georgia; eventually DPLA. Labor and Civil Rights in the American South. UMD has AFL-CIO records.
Emily Lynema (Indiana)
Josh Westgard (UMD)