2023-10-9 Avalon User Roundtable Meeting

2023-10-9 Avalon User Roundtable Meeting

Meeting Time

Monday, October 9th at 1 PM EDT

Zoom Link



  • Avalon user survey

  • Avalon 7.7 development updates

    • coming along with bringing Ramp onto media object page and getting started with playlist page

    • should be able to demo media object page at next roundtable

    • user testing planned for early November (hopefully)

  • Other updates

    • Avalon running in test on Fedora 6 with ActiveFedora and small dataset of several hundred items

    • Testing performance for items with many sections add/edit/delete

    • at Fedora virtual showcase, those working with Fedora 6 and Hyrax noted that they had a lot of OCFL objects created by ActiveFedora. We should check into that in Avalon; does the content migrated to OCFL make any sense

  • Updates from other institutions


      • for CLIR-funded grant - requirement that materials are able to be harvested

      • implemented for Fedora paged image repository and Avalon streaming media repository

      • talks to Solr in both cases and exposes metadata as DC

      • have to be able to support time-boxed harvest

      • Solr “system_modified_dtsi” is not updated when descriptive metadata is updated

      • What would actually trigger a change in the media object that would update this field?

      • right now, using the timestamp of the Solr document update date instead as the last modified date

      • Use case: harvest anything that has been updated within a certain point of time. This is a required part of OAI-PMH protocol.

      • What will happen to the timestamp field if have to re-index? Will all those records appear to have been updated? This is not ideal.

      • New items - expect these to show up as recently modified - will timestamp on the Solr record have create date for new items.

      • What types of changes would we want to trigger a modified date update?

        • for this particular implementation, they are only harvesting the resource description metadata

        • currently only exposing items that are public to OAI-PMH. If something becomes public, would want it to get picked up by of a date modified query - that would imply changes to access control changing the modified date.

      • is there some way to push out a date modified into Solr that covers resource description and access control?

      • Digitization period of grant is over; still finalizing OAI-PMH for Avalon. Hope to make this available soon.

      • Could OAI-PMH be contributed back to Avalon? Tried to follow the spec for OAI-PMH, so would probably be generalizable. They would be interested in contributing it back if there is interest.

  • Future agenda items?

    • UMD OAI-PMH demo?

      • Harvested content will be available through Digital Library of Georgia; eventually DPLA. Labor and Civil Rights in the American South. UMD has AFL-CIO records.


  • Emily Lynema (Indiana)

  • Josh Westgard (UMD)


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