Hyku Roadmap

Hyku Roadmap

Current Roadmap
(6 mos - 1 yr)

Proposed/Beyond One YearCompleted

The Hyku Project

“Hyku” is the result of the Hydra-in-a-Box, IMLS grant-funded project. It was developed as a turnkey solution bundle for digital asset management by the Samvera (previously known as Hydra) community. Hosted solutions are in development with a goal to lower the barrier of entry and expand the number and diversity of institutions capable of leveraging this powerful digital repository platform.

Targeted within the Next Year (from today)

Listed roughly in priority order and the expected order of implementation.  Some efforts may be implemented at the same time.  The priority order may shift based on available resources and community interest.

In Progress

Bulk Export


Required to allow full system backup and restore. Required to allow movement of tenants between stacks or between hosting providers. Required to allow for hand-off of content on tenant exit. Required for service exit strategy.

Status Summary/Major Activities:

  • Nearing completion via Oregon Digital Project, 2020
Target Date: Fall 2020

Lead: Rob Kaufman

Project: Oregon Digital
In Progress

DOI Integration


Adds support for minting and storing a DOI for a work.  When supplying an existing DOI, user can autofill the deposit form by looking up metadata associated with a DOI.

Status Summary/Major Activities:

  • Nearing completion via Advancing Hyku, 2020
Target Date: Fall 2020

Lead: Chris Colvard

Project: Advancing Hyku
In Progress

Migration Tool


Most of the current pilot institutions have stated that they would not subscribe to a Hyku service until there is a clear migration path from CONTENTdm.

Status Summary/Major Activities:

Target Date:


In Progress

Custom License and Rights Statements

Rightsstatement.org statements can be selected from a controlled list. However, no custom statement is possible. We need two rights statement fields, one controlled and one customizable[RK12] .

Status Summary/Major Activities:

Target Date:


Not Started

More Work Types


ETDs, Publications (articles, journals, books), and Datasets - Required to be competitive with alternative IR/Publishing solutions. Samvera community members are  working on Fulcrum, which is a publishing platform recently migrated to Hyrax.

Newspaper, Journal, Serial - Requested specifically by pilot institutions.

Status Summary/Major Activities:

Target Date:



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