2017-07-27—FileSets WG Meeting

2017-07-27—FileSets WG Meeting

Date and Time

July 27, 2017, 2pm EST

Connection Information

Google Hangouts:  https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/artic.edu/pcdm-filesets

Moderator: scossu

Notetaker: scossu



  1. Notetaker?
  2. Note: changed folder name: FileSets WG Shared Documents: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByRadxtBjDyjbTdGcGhadFJEclk
  3. Updated sample graph with separate File and FileSet metadata https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/117AxCRQoEAN3vLhwQglmxIKxKiaURQhXkWSV5pDFI44/edit
  4. Indexing and search scenarios: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XKtsYxAa-CfcuNY8FoJrcjgErJhRDTVOsfkVk2e3MwI/edit#heading=h.p6rghlfzwnkj
  5. Access to FieSets and Files (read, write, discover)


  1. Better clarity and agreement about roles of Files, FileSets and Works
  2. Predicates for role of FIle in FileSet ("pcdmuse"):
    1. We could use rdf:type:
      1. rdf:type is used in current pcdmuse ontology
    2. Or a custom term:
      1. Ontologically more specific—separate from traditional Fileset–Work relationship
      2. Should it still be a subproperty of rdf:type?
    3. We should reuse existing pcdmuse terms, i.e. the range of this predicate should be a rdfs:Class
  3. Indexing and search
    1. General agreement on use cases—all can be satisfied with the planned setup

Previous Action Items

  • Andrew Myers Complete validation PR
  • Andrew Myers post file to file associations question to the tech list
  • Adam Wead summarise the rdf:type issue to the tech list; what problems would the solution cause
  • scossu Create some search user stories to inform UI development

Action Items