2017-07-27—FileSets WG Meeting
2017-07-27—FileSets WG Meeting
Date and Time
July 27, 2017, 2pm EST
Connection Information
Google Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/artic.edu/pcdm-filesets
Moderator: scossu
Notetaker: scossu
- Notetaker?
- Note: changed folder name: FileSets WG Shared Documents: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByRadxtBjDyjbTdGcGhadFJEclk
- Updated sample graph with separate File and FileSet metadata https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/117AxCRQoEAN3vLhwQglmxIKxKiaURQhXkWSV5pDFI44/edit
- Indexing and search scenarios: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XKtsYxAa-CfcuNY8FoJrcjgErJhRDTVOsfkVk2e3MwI/edit#heading=h.p6rghlfzwnkj
- Access to FieSets and Files (read, write, discover)
- Better clarity and agreement about roles of Files, FileSets and Works
- Predicates for role of FIle in FileSet ("pcdmuse"):
- We could use rdf:type:
- rdf:type is used in current pcdmuse ontology
- Or a custom term:
- Ontologically more specific—separate from traditional Fileset–Work relationship
- Should it still be a subproperty of rdf:type?
- We should reuse existing pcdmuse terms, i.e. the range of this predicate should be a rdfs:Class
- We could use rdf:type:
- Indexing and search
- General agreement on use cases—all can be satisfied with the planned setup
Previous Action Items
- Andrew Myers Complete validation PR
- Andrew Myers post file to file associations question to the tech list
- Adam Wead summarise the rdf:type issue to the tech list; what problems would the solution cause
- scossu Create some search user stories to inform UI development
Action Items
, multiple selections available,