2017-08-10—FileSets WG Meeting

2017-08-10—FileSets WG Meeting

Date and Time

August 10, 2017, 2pm EST

Connection Information

Google Hangouts:  https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/artic.edu/pcdm-filesets

Moderator: scossu




  1. Notetaker?
  2. Resolution on pcdmuse term to use
  3. Access to FieSets and Files (read, write, discover)
  4. Write up search, discovery and access user stories as Github issues?


Previous Action Items

  • Andrew Myers Complete validation PR
  • Andrew Myers post file to file associations question to the tech list
  • Adam Wead summarise the rdf:type issue to the tech list; what problems would the solution cause

Action Items