2017-04-06—FileSets WG Meeting
2017-04-06—FileSets WG Meeting
Date and Time
Aptil 6, 2017, 2pm EDT
Connection Information
Google Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/artic.edu/pcdm-filesets
Moderator: scossu
- Notetaker?
- Review LDCX meeting
- Review last week's action items
- fileset could have descriptive metadata applied that is associated with originalFile in fileset (creator, date, etc)
- other files in fileset are derivatives of some kind off of that original file
- searching for technical characteristics is connected to filesets and files where searching for description stops at the object level
- fileset could have descriptive metadata applied that is associated with originalFile in fileset (creator, date, etc)
- Next steps
Previous Action Items
- Andrew Myers Complete validation PR
- Andrew Myers post file to file associations question to the tech list
- Adam Wead summarise the rdf:type issue to the tech list; what problems would the solution cause
- Andrew Myers Pitch a session at Hydra Dev Congress for creating actionable tickets for relating files to one another
- scossu Create some search user stories to inform UI development
Action Items
, multiple selections available,