2017-01-05—FileSets WG Meeting
2017-01-05—FileSets WG Meeting
Date and Time
January 5, 2017, 2pm EDT
Connection Information
Google Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/artic.edu/pcdm-filesets
Moderator: scossu
Notetaker: Esmé Cowles
- Notetaker?
- Review last week's action items
- Review tickets for putting diagrams to use cases.
- Review tickets for actionable steps toward fulfilling all other use cases:
- Github team for the wg. Is that ok with everyone?
- Create a dev plan for: Allow storing a binary file containing technical metadata about a pcdm:File.
- Create a dev plan for: Allow customizing the role of a File within a FileSet.
- Reviewing action items
- Tickets for matching diagrams to use cases
- Julie has been matching use cases to the diagrams in https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByRadxtBjDyjbTdGcGhadFJEclk
- Wasn't able to find any to match https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra_file_sets_wg/issues/5 (descriptive metadata for FileSets)
- The difference between that and https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra_file_sets_wg/issues/6 isn't clear
- #5 is about FileSet metadata, #6 is about File metadata
- Tickets for matching diagrams to use cases
- Github team
- Reviewed team and added missing members
- Any objections to this?
- Dev plan for storing binary file with technical metadata
- Andrew Myers has been looking into this
- Dev plan for customizing File use property
- Do we want to revise the PCDM Use vocab at the same time?
- Probably not — this can be a generic feature that you can plug any terms into.
- There's an issue that ActiveFedora doesn't allow changing rdf:type, so using a custom property when creating a File would work, but you wouldn't be able to change it later.
- See https://github.com/projecthydra/active_fedora/issues/1165
- This is a bigger issue, and can be handled outside of the FileSet WG
- Should the PCDM use values be required to be unique in a FileSet?
- Right now, trying to add multiple Files with the same use value would give you an error.
- Maybe there is some other functionality that would address this use case?
- Should have some wireframes for this?
- Given the CurationConcerns/Sufia/Hyrax work, probably premature.
- We should probably handle this in CurationConcerns 2.0 and fold into Hyrax when appropriate.
- Maybe we could have a pulldown menu to select the use value when adding a File, or a form for each use value allowing upload of a file with that use value and/or deleting/replacing existing Files.
- There are also use cases for multiple Files with the same use type, or no use type, etc. This sounds like a feature request for handling those Files.
- Given the CurationConcerns/Sufia/Hyrax work, probably premature.
- Do we want to revise the PCDM Use vocab at the same time?
- Next meeting: 01/12/2017 at 2pm Eastern
Action Items
- Esmé Cowles: add a comment to https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra_file_sets_wg/issues/5 outlining some of the examples we have discussed for richer metadata attached to a FileSet.
- scossu: draft a use case for multiple Files with the same use value, or no use value, attached to a FileSet.
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