2016-11-03—PCDM FileSets Meeting

Date and Time

November 3 2016, 2pm EDT

Connection Information

Google Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/artic.edu/pcdm-filesets?authuser=0



  1. Takeaways and further steps from previous meeting
    1. Allow direct relationships between Files and Objects?
    2. Do we really need FileSets or can Hydra model a subclass of Object meant to characterize digital content? 
    3. Discoverability and indexing
    4. Esmé Cowles' graph: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1_8E_N2h5AAeNPxbcu99icjpRLdRMSHz3Bp5ePh8jZo0/edit
  2. More thoughts on FileSets Manifesto: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ioBiNqe_bXBm0BPLBnEsbETCZciKAqNHqW253Eud2VI/edit?usp=sharing
  3. Anything else?



  • Modifying the PCDM ontology may not be necessary, specifically adding a pcdm:FileSet class.
  • However, expanding controlled vocab terms for pcdm:use is likely to result from use cases that involve more control over defining the role of Files within a FileSet.
  • Hydra-works and CurationConcerns code has opinions about what a FileSet is, but due to limitations around managing individual Files within a FileSet, and limitations around managing FileSets as objects in their own right, WGBH and AIC have ended up writing code that treats FileSets differently than they are treated in other Hydra heads.
  • By extending the ability to manage Files within a FileSet, and by extending the ability to manage FileSets as objects in their own right, AIC and WGBH use cases can be satisfied without having a FileSet model that is inconsistent with other products built on CurationConcerns. The idea is that new features can be developed for finer-grained management of FileSets, and the Files within them, and these features may be available to other institutions without conflicting with their existing data models.
  • Next meeting will be focused on reviewing collected use cases and turning them into actionable tickets.

Action Items:

  1. Stefano - gather use cases from various documents that describe the reasons for forming this WG. If needed put them into a single document on which we can all collaborate.
  2. Drew - Do the same as Stefano, specifically for the Hydradam use cases.
  3. Everybody - help formalize all use cases in a way that they can be turned into actionable tickets during our next meeting.