Samvera Tech Call 2025-02-05
Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
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Agenda (meeting notes below)
Current state of Hyrax
Last sprint concluded with release of v5.0.3, an intermediate release containing full Fedora 6 support but without major dependency upgrades
QA testers finding some issues in Dassie on Fedora 4
Next maintenance sprint
Likely focused on bug fixes to get a release candidate out
Moderator: @Randall Floyd
Notetaker: @Daniel Pierce
@Bradley Watson
@Chris Colvard
@Nicholas Mark Homenda
Meeting Process
Hyrax recap (Randall)
HMWG sprint concluded with release 5.0.3
Includes all recent work except for the Ruby 3.3/Rails 7.2 upgrades.
Hyrax 5.1 under testing
A few issues found in dassie to resolve before release
Need to check if these exist in 5.0.3 too
Indiana has interest in getting a release candidate out ASAP.
One specific flaky spec has been an issue.
Resolves when retrying. Not identified by rspec bisect.
David ran into issue when replacing an image the thumbnail is not generated.
Hyrax 5.0.1 on valkyrie
Randall responded to request for help with starting hyku and getting “Errno::EACCES: Permission denied @ rb_sysopen -”
Potential related problem in slack #hyku channel? Might be related to dory?
Brad still planning to rework hyrax#6990