2023-11-28 Hyrax Fedora 6 Working Group


Nov 28, 2023@10am Eastern


  • @Jon Dunn

  • @Randall Floyd

  • @Daniel Pierce

  • @Juliet Hardesty

  • @Collin Brittle

  • @Ayoub Belemlih

  • @Bradley Watson

  • @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Emily Porter

  • @Dan Field

  • @Rebekah Kati


  • Finalize WG Communication to share with Samvera and Fedora communities

  • Re-evaluate WG Scope & Objectives

  • WG Chair Discussion

 Discussion topics









10:05am - 10:25am

WG Communication


10:25am - 10:45am

WG Scope & Objectives


10:45am - 11:00am

WG Chair?



WG Communication:

  • Arran would like to draft a communication to send out to the Samvera and Fedora communities consolidating all of the progress being made toward operational Hyrax 5 + Fedora 6

  • Arran will finalized draft with included edits and suggestions and send back to the group for final approval before sending

  • Plan is to send before people start to break for holidays

WG Charter:

  • Consensus that Scope, Objectives and Deliverables needs to be revisited based on work that has already happened since the original writing of the charter

  • Some components of the Charter have been completed already

    • ie. Pre-Work Document - we should post content from the Hyrax Fedora 6 Working Group Update document on the wiki space along with the Use Cases document that was created

  • Will need to establish a more realistic timeframe for the WG based on the newly defined Deliverables

  • Most feel that this WG should be charged with establishing an MVP for Hyrax 5 + Valkyrie + Fedora 6

    • There was agreement that performance benchmarking needs to be established and included as part of the MVP

  • Benchmarking should include the following:

    • Ingest performance

    • Access performance

    • Comparisons against Valkyrie, Postgres, Fedora 6

WG Chair:

  • Juliet Hardesty expressed some interest, but need to assess commitment and capacity with her institution before making a final decision

  • We would like to move in to the new year with a Chair assigned to help lead directed discussions bringing a technical perspective

 Action items

@Arran Griffith to finalize WG Communication for communities and send to group for feedback
@Arran Griffith to add content to the WG wiki page relating to pre-work objectives
@Emily Porter to begin a wiki page with known performance metrics
Other members to contribute their known metrics to build out this database
