2017-08-09 Program Committee
2017-08-09 Program Committee
Connection Info:
- Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://psu.zoom.us/j/435451607
- Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16465588656,435451607# or +14086380968,435451607#
- Or Telephone:
- Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
- Meeting ID: 435 451 607
- International numbers available: https://psu.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=c9SVi_qwFGIowCuELLxcxekYg0oefEud
- kestlund (Penn State; Steering Group liaison and admin)
- Aaron Collier (Cal State)
scossu (Art Institute of Chicago)justin (Stanford)- Chris Diaz (Northwestern; host liaison)
- Hannah Frost (Stanford)
Nabeela Jaffer (U Michigan) - apologies- Brian McBride (Utah)
John H. Robinson, IV (UCSD)- apologies- arouner (WUSTL)
- David Wilcox (DuraSpace)
Agenda and Notes
- Note taker and facilitator kestlund
- Additions/changes to agenda?
- Updates / Questions from Local Host Committee
- 9 had registered as of last week
- Evviva sent out a registration last week
- Settle on slack plan of operation
- Private channel on Samvera
→. decisions to be recorded on wiki, or . -this one - Private channel on UCSD, which is archived
- Private channel on Samvera
- Confirm Scholarship Committee membership - (Draft Charge)
- Committee confirmed
- Reviewing charge
- More info. on criteria to help committee
- Add info. on how to deal with additional funding from other sources
- Confirm by end of day Monday
- Review proposals so far: Suggestions for Samvera Connect 2017 Program
- What is missing?
- Workshop for repo and service managers
- Migrating from CDM or BePress - track on migration?, workshop?
- Building on top of Hyrax
- Collections as Data
- Tracking
- In addition or instead of tracks like dev, managers, and ops, thematic
- Extend call / send out another call?
- One more open call with closing of Aug 31
- Karen will send out link to be edited by group for call
- What is missing?
- Confirm structure and type of sessions per meeting rooms and calendar
- To confirm today:
- Types of sessions
- Workshops - yes!
- New comers pre-conference - yes!
- Plenary, lightning talks, poster session, presentations/panels - confirmed / committed
- Unconference - yes!
- Working group and interest group meetings - yes!
- New type?
- Discussion of speed dating
- Opportunities for mentors and mentees
- Days for types of sessions
- Workshops - Monday
- New comers pre-conference - Monday
- Plenary, lightning talks, poster session - Tuesday - confirmed / committed
- Lightning talks and presentation/panels - Wednesday
- Unconference - Thursday am
- Working group and interest group meetings - Thursday pm
- New type? - TBD, maybe within other sessions
- Types of sessions
- Can delay until slotting sessions:
- Lightning talks as interspersed throughout meeting
- Hackspace room
- To confirm today:
- Confirm program setting plan and any changes
- Script to scrape wiki and put into github repo - assign to update for 2017 to be run around the first week of Sept.
- as raised earlier in this meeting, do we need to do something in particular in program for people who want to discuss bepress/Elsevier?
- Unconference topic
- Dinners
- Workshop with lots of gotchas
- Action items
- Review Scholarship Charge by Monday - all
- Create slack channel - KE
- Draft open call email for more proposals- KE then all, send out next Wed
- Announcement with schedule outline to community and registration reminder - KE then all, send out on Tuesday (review by end of day Monday)
- Talk to folks at your places or you who wants to modify script to scrape wiki to github and KE will try to dig up old code
, multiple selections available,