2017-10-04 Program Committee
2017-10-04 Program Committee
Connection Info:
- Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://psu.zoom.us/j/435451607
- Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16465588656,435451607# or +14086380968,435451607#
- Or Telephone:
- Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
- Meeting ID: 435 451 607
- International numbers available: https://psu.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=c9SVi_qwFGIowCuELLxcxekYg0oefEud
- kestlund (Penn State; Steering Group liaison and admin)
- Aaron Collier (Stanford)
- scossu (Art Institute of Chicago)
- justin (Stanford)
- Chris Diaz (Northwestern; host liaison)
- Hannah Frost (Stanford)
- Nabeela Jaffer (U Michigan)
- Brian McBride (Utah)
- John H. Robinson, IV (UCSD)
- arouner (WUSTL)
- David Wilcox (DuraSpace)
Agenda and Notes
- Note taker and facilitator Chris Diaz
- Additions/changes to agenda?
- Updates / Questions from Local Host Committee - Chris Diaz
- Room update: We are cancelling the Bonbright room originally for the Hackspace in order to have more money for food, coffee, tea. There are plenty of common areas in the hotel for groups to meet and hack.
- Streaming/recording: Streaming and recording is not affordable. We will post slides.
- Registration update: 130 registered, 85 short of budgeted, 125 short of 2016
- Hotel update: 409 out of 620 rooms booked, 66%
- Floor maps for online schedule
- Looks fuzzy. Stefano will try to make it look better using the floor diagram.
- Which rooms need projectors and screens? Mark on schedule.
- The Hackspaces do not need projectors or screens.
- If needed, cut projector screens in one or two unconference room (not ideal)
- Is 90 minutes enough time for lunch? Online list of recommendations
- Review timing on room spreadsheet
- Note additions
- Plenary additions: Avalon and governance (20 min plenary
- Into to Hyrax Workshop Monday morning, community orientation + managers workshop in the afternoon.
- Imposter syndrome breakout workshop (1 hr) Thursday 9 am
- Governance community pre-partner meeting discussion; where to put?
- 60 minute session Thursday morning
- Optional informal lunch session or theme
- Review for any conflicts on Wed and revise
- Should lightning talks just be in one room or mixed by theme like previous years?
- If one room, I just a larger room.
- Chris will double-check the program schedule for speaker conflicts. No conflicts!
- Lightning Talk Sign-up for Wed - justin
- Create lighting-talk sign-up by Friday
- Since so few lightning talks proposed ahead thus far, just ask presenters to sing-up online with others onsite and not do a pre-load? see c
- Send out info to listservs with note about when will be confirmed (1 to 2 weeks); this week
- Sign-up process for at conference
- Google Doc by time slops, numbered list
- Justin will work on it this week.
- Mentoring committee update
- 3 mentees, 4th pending, keep open for on-site signups
- Theme and Newcomer dinners
- What themes do we want?
- New comers
- Women in tech
- Migrations
- Propose your own!
- What nights?
- Tuesday and Wednesday nights
- Women in tech both nights
- Create sign-up mechanism
- Local committee will do.
- Suggestions for eating from local host committee
- Online link to this
- What themes do we want?
- Samvera Connect Prospectus for Potential Sponsors
- Chris D. and David S. (Northwestern) are writing this
- Target people with budgetary control
- Action Items
- Send out schedule and descriptions (only three voted on poll and split)
- Copy and past from Github into Wiki (as in past) -
- Copy and past from Github into Sessionizer (online tool) - kestlund and ....
- Create lighting talk sign-up
- Send out lightning talk Sign-up
- Resend poster sign-up and info
- Organize sign-up for theme and newcomer dinners
- Local Volunteer signup
- See 2016
- Local Host badges for attendees to ask questions
- Send out schedule and descriptions (only three voted on poll and split)
, multiple selections available,