2017-08-23 Program Committee
2017-08-23 Program Committee
Connection Info:
- Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://psu.zoom.us/j/435451607
- Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16465588656,435451607# or +14086380968,435451607#
- Or Telephone:
- Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
- Meeting ID: 435 451 607
- International numbers available: https://psu.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=c9SVi_qwFGIowCuELLxcxekYg0oefEud
- kestlund (Penn State; Steering Group liaison and admin)
- Aaron Collier (Cal State)
- scossu (Art Institute of Chicago)
- justin (Stanford)
- Chris Diaz (Northwestern; host liaison)
- Hannah Frost (Stanford) - regrets
- Nabeela Jaffer (U Michigan)
- Brian McBride (Utah)
- John H. Robinson, IV (UCSD)
- arouner (WUSTL)
- David Wilcox (DuraSpace) - regrets
Agenda and Notes
- Note taker and facilitator kestlund
- Additions/changes to agenda?
- Updates / Questions from Local Host Committee
- No updates – our next meeting is 9/20
- Breakout room for M on Th slight change that does not change in capacity;
- Review proposals so far: Suggestions for Samvera Connect 2017 Program
- Need to finalize workshops by week of 9/11
- Program should be finalized by 9/25
- (Note: September is our busy month and we will actively be using slack and Google Group for decisions)
- 2 submissions on form – add directly to github once
- Missing some issues on DevOps
- Add directly to github if something comes out of Princeton meeting
- Script to scrape wiki and put into github repo - assign to update for 2017 to be run around the first week of Sept.
- Justin Coyne working on this!
- Confluence doesn't use well-formed XML, not a good source of data
- Process for call for IG/WG meetings and lightning talks - should send out call soon for meeting time to get schedule set
- Virtual connect sent out an email to all chairs (together) and sent out template of questions
- Add question about in-person meeting
- We will ask all chairs to add to Github directly
- Email KE if no access
- Mentoring Committee set-up and charge
- Nabeela and Sefano volunteered!
- Action Items
- Justin will run script to scrap wiki on 9/1
- Nabeela draft of communication draft for IG/WG this week
- Link to template slides and/or questions
- Karen E finalize mentoring charge and send out call for mentors and mentees