2017-07-26 Program Committee
2017-07-26 Program Committee
Connection Info:
- Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://psu.zoom.us/j/435451607
- Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16465588656,435451607# or +14086380968,435451607#
- Or Telephone:
- Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
- Meeting ID: 435 451 607
- International numbers available: https://psu.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=c9SVi_qwFGIowCuELLxcxekYg0oefEud
- kestlund (Penn State; Steering Group liaison and admin)
- Aaron Collier (Cal State)
- scossu (Art Institute of Chicago)
- justin (Stanford)
- Chris Diaz (Northwestern; host liaison)
Hannah Frost (Stanford)- apologies- Nabeela Jaffer (U Michigan)
- Brian McBride (Utah)
- John H. Robinson, IV (UCSD)
- arouner (WUSTL) - a little late...
- David Wilcox (DuraSpace)
- Welcome and introductions
- Note taker _________ and facilitator kestlund
- Additions/changes to agenda?
- Why are we all here?
- Karen, administrator and Steering Group liaison
- Chris as Host Committee liaison
- Everyone else, to design and commission the program for an excellent SC2017!
- Review communication timeline
- Review program planning and structure of past Connect conferences
- Monday - workshops: parallel themed or targeted tracks
- Tuesday morning - plenary
- Tuesday afternoon - poster session
- Wednesday morning - parallel themed or targeted presentations
- Wednesday afternoon and Thursday - unconference and WG/IG meetings
- Facilities / Rooms available for conference - info.provided by host committee
- Getting under way
- Soliciting and commissioning content (see Suggestions for Samvera Connect 2017 Program)
- Waffle board for organization and tracking of sessions and speakers (https://waffle.io/samvera-labs/samvera-connect)
- Sessionizer for timetabling unconference sessions
- Useful documents from last year
- Progress so far: call for suggestions (2)
- Scholarships?
- Review feedback from past Connects (documents in Drive) - Q&A
- Slack channel
- Next steps
- Solicit proposals
- Set types of events with rooms
Meeting Notes
- Welcome and introductions
- Note taker Nabeela Jaffer and facilitator kestlund
- Additions/changes to agenda?
- None
- Why are we all here?
- Karen, administrator and Steering Group liaison
- Chris as Host Committee liaison
- Everyone else, to design and commission the program for an excellent SC2017!
- Review communication timeline
- Karen created the timeline based on previous notes.
- Call for Mentors and Mentee is new and is moved earlier in the timeline. Last year was the first time.
- Review program planning and structure of past Connect conferences ( use waffle board to plan)
- Monday - workshops: parallel themed or targeted tracks
- Last year we did not have to recruit people to submit proposals
- Finalize the workshops first, so people can make travel plans
- Last year, we added an intro to community
- Fedora workshop is popular every year
- Tuesday morning - plenary
- feedback suggests: people love the lightning talks
- Tuesday afternoon - poster session
- We ask all the partners to bring a poster
- There was some negative feedback about the noise and space
- Wednesday morning - parallel themed or targeted presentations
- concurrent lightning talks - how many concurrent tracks can we have? 6 rooms are available - doesn't mean we have to have 6 tracks. The rooms are on 2nd and 9th floor.
- Plan out lightning talks ahead of time or let people sign up on that day?
- Wednesday afternoon and Thursday - un-conference and WG/IG meetings
- We will have to contact the IG and WG. Last year, some committees did not have any updates. At virtual connect, we used a template and asked chairs to put update based on 3 questions: What has been done, what is the future and who are the chairs and meeting times.
- Recruit people for presenting
- Un-conference is for providing an opportunity to work any cool ideas/topics.
- Not sure if everyone has a good idea about what un-conference session is. We need to better advertise it
- Monday - workshops: parallel themed or targeted tracks
- Facilities / Rooms available for conference - info.provided by host committee
- Getting under way
- Soliciting and commissioning content (see Suggestions for Samvera Connect 2017 Program)
- Waffle board for organization and tracking of sessions and speakers (https://waffle.io/samvera-labs/samvera-connect)
- Sessionizer for timetabling unconference sessions
- Useful documents from last year
- Progress so far: call for suggestions (2)
- Scholarships?
- one program committee member can be liaison for the scholarship committee
- Review feedback from past Connects (documents in Drive) - Q&A
- Feedback suggests: Full conference dinner is not necessary
- Host committee is planning some dine arounds
- Opt-in for first time badge ribbons
- Slack channel
- do we want to have a slack channel - yes! Question is where to host it?
- Next steps
- Solicit proposals
- Set types of events with rooms
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