Organizers' pages for Connect 2017
Organizers' pages for Connect 2017
- kestlund
- Aaron Collier
Owned by kestlund
These pages are working space for the Samvera Connect 2017 Program Committee.
Host: Northwestern University Libraries
Program Committee (samvera-connect@googlegroups.com)
- kestlund (Penn State; Steering Group liaison and admin)
- Aaron Collier (Stanford)
- scossu (Art Institute of Chicago)
- justin (Stanford)
- Chris Diaz (Northwestern; host liaison)
- Hannah Frost (Stanford)
- Nabeela Jaffer (U Michigan)
- Brian McBride (Utah)
- John H. Robinson, IV (UCSD)
- arouner (WUSTL)
- David Wilcox (DuraSpace)
Working documents
- Samvera Connect 2017 (public wiki page)
- Suggestions for Samvera Connect 2017 Program
- Tracking Program Sessions
- Github view: https://github.com/samvera-labs/samvera-connect
- Waffle view: https://waffle.io/samvera-labs/samvera-connect
- Samvera Connect Planning Google Drive Folder (Program and Host Committee access only)
- This folder contains draft working documents of the committee. It has draft, un-finalized and inaccurate information, which is why it is not public.
- Room calendar (TBD)