2024 Update
The following update was sent to Fedora and Samvera communities in January 2025 to share progress and provide updates for Hyrax and Fedora users. The following details were shared:
On behalf of the Hyrax Fedora 6 Working Group, the following is an update on work related to the advancement of Hyrax backed by Fedora 6.x via Valkyrie in place of ActiveFedora. As you may already be aware, the most current versions of each piece of technology is as follows:
Hyrax 5.0.4 - https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/releases/tag/v5.0.4
Valkyrie 3.1.4 - https://github.com/samvera/valkyrie/releases/tag/v3.1.4
Fedora 6.5.1 - https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo/releases/tag/fcrepo-6.5.1
Sirenia as a fully functional application of Hyrax 5.x + Fedora 6.x with Valkyrie = ✅
Thanks to the massive contributions of many individuals, the Sirenia environment is now operational as a fully functional application of Hyrax + Fedora with Valkyrie. This is a huge step toward our next deliverable aimed at Performance Testing of the full Hyrax repository solution.
Fedora 6.5.1 Release
With the release of Fedora 6.5.1, there is now support for encoded slashes, which was identified by individuals from the Working Group as a barrier to full Hyrax support. The Fedora Technical Team was able to resolve and include this feature with the most recent release of Fedora.
Upcoming Hyrax 5.1.0 Release
Over the last few months, a great deal of work has gone into the on-going development of Hyrax. The Hyrax Maintenance Working Group released Hyrax v5.0.4 at the completion of the most recent sprint. The largest lift in features and improvements came with the release of v5.0.2 - see the full release notes: https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/releases/tag/v5.0.2
During this time, Randall Floyd, Indiana University, joined as the incoming Hyrax Technical Lead and Nick Homenda, Tufts University, assumed the role of Hyrax Product Owner. Randall will work alongside Daniel Pierce for the next year to ensure development progress continues.
Up Next:
Nurax Testing Instance
Once Hyrax 5.1.0 is released, attention will turn to configuring a Nurax instance to support the Sirena environment. This will allow Performance Testing to take place in a consistent, stable environment to gather critical metrics. The Working Group will focus their attention on a list of identified test cases from previous WG Deliverables.
How Can You Help?
Join the Hyrax Maintenance Working Group
The Hyrax Maintenance Working Group (HMWG) is charged with supporting core maintenance and development for Hyrax in order to provide a stable base of support for the solution bundle. Details on how to contribute can be found on the WG wiki page - Hyrax Maintenance Working Group .
We want to hear from you!
Are you preparing to migrate to Hyrax 5.x + Fedora 6.x? Let us know. We are always looking to gather more use cases and understand how users are handling this effort. This shared pool of expertise will go a long way toward supporting all users across our two communities. Reach out to Heather Greer Klein (heather@samvera.org) or Arran Griffith (arran.griffith@lyrasis.org) to get involved.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about all the amazing accomplishments coming out of the Samvera and Fedora communities. We look forward to seeing this work continue to progress to support all of our users.