Questions to sort out before June

Questions to sort out before June

  1. Need to determine and add costs to the budget including:

    • Venue hosting costs

    • All meals

    • Any charge for A/V equipment

    • Will we need to rent anything else? Easels, tables, etc?

  2. Based on these numbers, will our charging fee schedule be workable or does it need adjustment?

  3. Will ND sponsor scholarships? What will they include?

  4. Upfront costs ā€“ Can we pay for the venue, meals, A/V, etc AFTER the event?

    1. Standard payout from Eventbrite is 5 business days after the event closes.

    2. OASIS can pay the invoices from those funds

    3. Heather will ask finance committee for permission to pay ahead for t-shirt design, t-shirts, Sched, lanyards/nametags