Samvera Connect 2019: Calls for Proposals

Samvera Connect 2019: Calls for Proposals

The web gateway for this page (if you wish to share information) is at https://connect2019.samvera.org

Calls for proposals

All CfPs are now closed

CFP for Working and Interest Group updates  - CfP closed 10/23/19

There is a one-hour slot allocated for brief Working and Interest Group updates immediately prior to the Poster Reception described above.  Within this, we are offering up to ten 6-minute slots and they will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.  If your WG/IG wishes one of these slots, please complete the simple form below.  There will be opportunities elsewhere within the conference for informal gatherings of WG/IG members.

This Call for Proposals is now closed.

CFP Lightning talks - CfP closed 10/23/19

If you wish to give a Lightning Talk at Samvera Connect 2019, please sign up using the form linked below. The five minute (max) talks will take place between 3:00pm and 5:00pm on Wednesday 23rd October in the auditorium immediately adjacent to the Poster Reception. Allowing for changeover time, there are 20 slots available. Slots will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Any slides that you choose to use will need to be pre-loaded onto the projection system prior to the talks beginning.

This Call for Proposals is now closed.

CFP Workshop sessions for Tuesday 22nd October - CfP now closed (5/28/2019)

The Program Committee for Samvera Connect 2019 is inviting proposals for workshops to be held on Tuesday 22nd October.  Workshops may potentially be 1.5 hours, 3 hours or 6 (2x3) hours long.  This is the first of our CFPs because we like to have our workshop list complete by the time delegates make their travel plans for the conference.  The CFPs for presentations and panels, posters, and lightning talks will follow in due course.

Please feel free to propose a workshop that you would like to run yourself or with colleagues.  Please also feel free to propose a workshop that you would like to see run by someone else on a topic that you would find beneficial.

If you are proposing to run a workshop you will be asked to provide us with:

  • the workshop title
  • the name(s) of the presenters
  • email address of main presenter
  • length of workshop (1.5 hrs, 3hrs, 6hrs)
  • the target audience (Developers, UI/UX, Administrators, System Admins/DevOps, Metadata, Managers, Newcomers, other)
  • the expected learning outcomes for the participants
  • a description (no more than 200 words or so) for the conference program
  • any technology that participants will need to provide
  • the maximum number of participants you would want

Closing date 14th May.  Notifications should be expected by the end of the month.  Firm information about the Connect 2019 registration timetable from Washington University in St Louis has allowed us to extend the deadline for workshop proposals to Tuesday 28th May.  Now expect notifications by mid-June.

If you are requesting a workshop, you will be asked to give us:

  • a suggested title
  • the knowledge or skills you would like the workshop to impart
  • if you can, the name(s) of anyone you think might be willing to deliver the workshop

This Call for Proposals is now closed.

CFP Presentations and panels for Thursday 24th October - CfP now closed (8/18/2019)

The Program Committee for Samvera Connect 2019 is pleased to announce the Call for Proposals of Presentations and Panels.  As in the past, our goal is to serve the needs of attendees from an ever-widening range of experience and background (potential adopters, new adopters, expert Samverans; developers, managers, sysops, metadata librarians, etc.).  We are seeking proposals for 20-minute presentations (+5 minutes for questions), short (25 minute) and long (50 minute) panels.  The CFP will remain open until 4th August (now extended to 18th); between now and then you can expect a number of reminders and some pointers for areas we would particularly like to see covered.  Notifications will follow shortly after the closing date. 

We invite you to consider offering presentations and panels about (but not limited to) the following:

  • Current topics / innovations in: infrastructure, practice of coding, metadata, user experience, project or service management
  • Identify a need in the community. Present ideas on how we could address it.
  • Identify a challenge that lots of individual organizations are having.
  • Tell us about a new technology that we as a community should know about.

This Call for Proposals is now closed.

CFP Posters for the poster session on Wednesday 23rd October (Now closed)

It is something of a tradition that, each year, all institutions sending colleagues to Samvera Connect provide a poster for the Poster Reception which, for 2019, is kindly sponsored by EBSCO.

We invite you to submit a poster about work you have done, work you are doing, work you plan to do - or just work that you're thinking about!  The whole point is that it should stimulate informal discussions with fellow delegates.

This Call for Proposals is now closed. 

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