Hydra Connect 2015

Hydra Connect 2015

200 HydraNauts from 60 institutions attended the 3rd International Hydra Connect in Minneapolis, 21-24 September 2015.

Photo ( HydraConnect2015-02.jpg): Mark Bussey / Colin Smith


  • Presentations and breakout notes are linked from the program further down this page as available


Detailed Table of Contents




What is Hydra Connect?

Hydra Connect (hashtag #HydraConnect) is a chance for Hydra Project participants to gather in one place at one time, with an emphasis on synchronizing efforts, technical development, plans, and community links. As the community expands, it is becoming clear that not every Partner will make every meeting, but there is value in ensuring cross-connections across the community, and we'd be well served to have at least one meeting where everyone shows up. Put another way, if a Partner could attend only one meeting in the 2015/2016 academic year, this would be it.  Adopters of Hydra, or those considering its adoption, who are not yet Partners are equally welcome to attend and a number of the meeting sessions during the workshops and conference proper will be specifically tailored to their needs.


Many of the sessions listed below now have links to the presentation materials.

Monday 21st September

Coffee and Registration

8.15-9.00am Coffee and registration (also on Tuesday and Wednesday)

Pre-conference workshops


    • Fedora 4





Tuesday 22nd  and  Wednesday 23rd September

Tuesday plenary sessions
Tuesday poster show and tell


Wednesday morning parallel sessions
Wednesday lightning talks

Room 460  9.00-10.30 session

Block #1 (Developer focus)

Block #2

    • American Archive of Public Broadcasting - Blacklight app + lightweight cms + AWS - Andrew Myers

Room 460  12.05-12.15 session

    • Elaborating Time-based Media Presentation for Oral Histories - Ben Armintor
    • Hydra as a Publishing Platform - Jeremy Morse
    • State of the Sufia: Usage survey results - Mike Giarlo

Room 201   9.00-10.30 session

Room 202  10.45-12.15 session

Wednesday afternoon unconference/breakout sessions

Thursday 24th September

Thursday morning unconference/breakout sessions
Thursday afternoon unconference/breakout sessions

New and potential Hydra adopters (NPAs)

During the workshop day on Monday and the first two days of the conference proper, Tuesday and Wednesday, the program will include specific provision for new and potential Hydra adopters.  Thursday will be a day largely devoted to working groups and there will be no such specific provision although, of course, new and potential adopters will be more than welcome to join the groups.


Code of Conduct

We want Hydra Connect to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our participants. We've got a few strategies to help make this happen:

    1. We've planned lots of great content and provided plenty of room for community engagement - watch as the fantastic schedule develops between now and the end of September!

    2. We encourage everyone to apply the Hydra community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

    3. We're pleased to announce that we have officially adopted an Anti-Harassment Policy though, of course, we hope never to need it.

If you have any questions or concerns at the event, please feel free to reach out to any of the planning team members or community helpers . They should should be easy to find and will all have an identifier on their name-badges.

Things to see and do in Minneapolis

Here’s the ‘Official’ Visitors Guide

September and early October temperatures in the Twin Cities are usually mild and enjoyable - you’ll find Minnesotans enjoying sidewalk dining well into October. 

Minneapolis offers a wealth of culture and entertainment opportunities for those wishing to extend their stay: 

* World renowned Guthrie Theater 

Minneapolis Institute of Arts

Walker Art Center

Mississippi Riverfront and Grand Rounds Scenic Byway - walking and biking directly adjacent to downtown

The Mall of America - we don’t usually shop there, but folks have usually heard about it ;)

Plenty of local music, dance, and theater and over 50 nearby museums







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