Service Management for Repository Services

Service Management for Repository Services

Service Management Planning:
Interest Group
Service Management for Repository Services
Patricia Hswe Ā & Tony (from stanford)

Summarize monday's session: Intro: Project Mgmnt -vs- Service Mgmnt. Staffing a service.

Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed. RACI.

Stanford uses a Release to production Checklist. Try to avoid developers answering questions. Service Mgr. first line of defense for developers.
Answer questions about importance of a service being up all the time. understand the business nature of your services. Some applications don't need to be fixed for 3 or 4 days. Difference of investment for an important service -vs- a less important service.
A lack of planning for a service often leads to developers being responsible for ongoing service instead of being able to concentrate on building the next great thing.
A Service manager needs to set expecations for stakeholders.
Staff Capacity Planning: see the confreenc site.
Metrics gathering: see the conference site. (slides and worksheets)
Role definition is important for understanding service mgmnt. Define the roles and then assign them to people.
A service manager may also become the project manager with a project of "Improve the service" or "Replace the service"

+++++ Appreciate the front line of defense that a service manger can take on.

How do you define a service? Lynn G. suggests that any application has a user outside IT you have a service in which case she has hundreds.

Survey of the room about how many service each person present has and if there are service managers defined for their services.

How do you represent yourself to constituents? A service manager is partly a service salesperson who advertizes the service to possible contituents and finds new users and uses for a service.

Examples of Services: Digitization Service, Self Deposit Service.

There is a need to hide the complexity from users/consumers of a service.

1. Top 5 priorities for Service managers

  1. 1 continuity
  2. 2 managing workflows
  3. 3 SM role in vision for service
  4. 4 communication & outreach
  5. 5 Advocacy
  6. 6 role definition and responsibility assigment
  7. 7 Roadmappsing


Topics for SMIG

  • assessment
  • Ā sm role in vision for service
  • Ā SLA
  • Ā Tools for Service Management: Ticketing (jira, github issues, waffle), Trello (user stories collection), Basecamp
  • Ā How much facilitation should Service Managers be responsible for?