2017 Meeting Planning Call: 2017-03-03

2017 Meeting Planning Call: 2017-03-03

Friday, March 3, 2017, 11 AM - 12 PM

  1. Venue & Date Options
    1. Brown: 5/15
    2. Yale: 5/15 or 5/22
      1. Larger lecture hall in library not available, but could host at other campus building(s)
    3. Northeastern: 5/22
      1. Have large room plus 2 breakout rooms available
    4. Selecting location
      1. Tracy will create a Google Form with options, Karen will post this to Hydra listservs

  2. Meeting Format & Agenda
    1. General consensus on a morning plenary, followed by "unconference"-style breakout sessions.
    2. Feedback from last meeting?
      1. We may not have collected any?
      2. Joseph created page for previous meetings
    3. Plenary
      1. No budget for bringing in outside speakers, but some institutions could chip in for this?
      2. Could have presentation via Skype.
      3. Possible speakers:
        1. Tom Cramer from Stanford ā€“ Karen will contact
        2. Someone from DPLA ā€“ Eben will contact
        3. Hopkins (???, sorry my notes are bad) ā€“ Patrick will contact
    4. Breakout session topics
      1. No need to decide these at the moment; let community interest dictate the agenda
      2. Will include a question in Google form soliciting topics
      3. Some possible "starter" topics have been added to the meeting page

  3. Next planning meeting
    1. Thursday March 17, 2017, 11 AM EST
    2. Karen will send out invite
    3. Deadline for plenary decision