Unconference Schedules

Unconference Schedules



Do I Know Where to Start (XS)

Birds of the Feather - Lunch

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 


Deploying Hydra (L)


Metadata Aggregation (M) - DampeerPage Turners (more technical) (M) - 215Research Data in Hydra (M) - LL06 BCĀ 
2:30-3:10What is our Long Term Vision/ Architectural Oversight (M) - 215Effective Efficient Testing (L) - BallroomOpen Annotation (M) - DampeerRegional Hydra (M) - Thwing Meeting Room A (next to ballroom)GeoData in Hydra (M) - LL06 BCĀ 
3:15-3:55Ā Hydra/Fedora 4 opportunities (XL) - BallroomMetadata Workflow/Mgmt (M) - DampeerSetting up Prod (S) - 215Designing User Experiences (M) - LL06 BCĀ 
4:00-4:40Ā Best Practices with Multiple Apps (L) - BallroomMetadata Def and use w/ Hydra (M) - DampeerHydraDAM WGBH Workflow (S) - 215Agile Development (M) - LL06 BCĀ 
(tick)Steering Group
(tick)Sufia Futures (works, fedora 4, etc.)
(tick)Hydra RDF Working Group (check in and reinvigorate effort)

Mediated deposit approaches/workflows - where do you start, and what are the critical paths for building this arm of a Hydra-based service, especially if one already has the self-deposit component well in place? - comment: this should be an unconference topic

(tick)building the hydra community - how to and why we should
Ā using contracted vendors to help with a hydra project - how to, challenges, case studies
(tick)Hydra Digital Preservation working group
(tick)Building regional Hydra user groups (like Boston/New England) - Covered by unconference
(tick)Avalon Together: Running point on an Avalon pilot? Join us.

Hydra UX - how is the Hydra community engaging users of their products as theyā€™re being developed and maintaining that outward-facing perspective as a service is launched and evolves? What are common methods/tools/approaches we could be sharing and putting out there for others to test out/critique/adopt? - in unconference

(tick)Hydra in Archives (HAWG, B-EAD-L)
(tick)Digital Preservation Working Group (DPWG)
(tick)Core Gems Committers
  • Update Hierarchy of PromisesĀ 
  • Relationship to Fedora 4
  • Release Mgmt process
  • What is our longer term vision?
  • How do we get more committers?
  • Are the committers calls working?
(tick)Documentation WG
(tick)Training WG
(tick)Marketing WG
Ā Managers - not sure what the focus is here
(tick)blacklight-maps (discuss a common schema, solr configuration for geospatial support) - covered by geodata in hydra


Friday (same time slots as Tuesday)

Workgroup/TopicĀ Ā Ā Ā 
9:00-10:30Steering Group - LL01HAWG - DampeerRDF WG - LL06 BCHydra UX - 215
10:45-12:15Documentation WG - LL01Avalon Together: Running point on an Avalon pilot? Join us.- DampeerCore gems committers - LL06BCĀ 
12:15-1:30Building the Hydra Community (BOF) - LunchLunchLunchLunch
1:30-3:00Training WG - LL01Digital Preservation WG - DampeerSufia Futures - LL06 BCMarketing WG - 215
3:15-3:45Report outs and send off - ballroomĀ Ā Ā 
