Monday Night Welcome Dinners
Monday Night Welcome Dinners
What's This
Those who have been to Hydra meetings before organize a dinner party for new attendees
Instructions for Organizers
- Find a place: look Places to eat and/or drink or find your own
- Make reservations if needed
- Create a signup list on this page – try to keep it at 6 people
- Include instructions on where to meet
- You can have multiple groups at the same restaurant, but keep them separate
Instructions for Attendees
- Edit this page and add your name to the list
- Email hydra-connect@googlegroups.com if you're having problems
Dinner Signups
- Group 1: The Fairmount
- Organizer: Justin Coyne
- Details: Courtyard Marriott Lobby 6:30pm
- Who's going
- Jim Coble
- Michael Daul
- Collin Brittle
- Michael Klein
- Kevin Reiss
- Jon Stroop
- --- full ---
- Group 2: L’Albatros Brasserie (dinner menu, The locals' personal favorite. Lunch and Dinner. On the pricier side, but delicious)
- Organizer: Andrew Woods
- Details: Courtyard Marriott Lobby 6:30 - Reservations will be made for all names signed up below
- Who's going
- Esmé Cowles
- Aaron Coburn
- Mark Breedlove
- Hector Correa
- Justin Simpson
- Robin Ruggaber
- Esmé Cowles
- Group 3: Late group to L’Albatros Brasserie (same restaurant as awoods, but my flight doesn't get in until 6:00 )
- Organizer: Alicia Cozine
- Details: Courtyard Marriott Lobby 8:00
- Who's going
- Bess Sadler
- Erin Fahy
- Joe Atzberger
- Katherine Lynch
- Declan Fleming
- Matt Critchlow (land at 6:30, so will be there unless delayed)
- Jack Reed
- Bess Sadler
- Group 4: ABC
- Organizer: Drew Myers
- Details: Courtyard Marriott Lobby 6:30pm
- Who's going
- available
- available
- available
- available
- available
- Group 5: Nighttown (Food, live music)
- Organizer: your name here
- Details: Courtyard Marriott Lobby 6:30pm
- Who's going
- available
- available
- available
- available
- available
- Group 6: Indian Flame (Lunch buffet and dinner options)
- Organizer: your name here
- Details: Courtyard Marriott Lobby 6:30pm
- Who's going
- available
- available
- available
- available
- available
- Group 7: Michelson & Morley Upscale bar in the new university center
- Organizer: your name here
- Details: Courtyard Marriott Lobby 6:30pm
- Who's going
- available
- available
- available
- available
- available
- Group 8: Pacific East Japanese and Malaysian food
- Organizer: Adam Wead
- Details: Courtyard Marriott Lobby 6:30pm. I will drive us there, but space is limited to those who will fit in my car.
- Who's going
- Linda Newman (and I can drive too if there are more of us than will fit in one car. I can take 3 people in addition to me.)
- Steven Villereal
- Randall Floyd, tentative
- Julie Hardesty (arriving with Randall)
- Carolyn Cole
- Scott Cole
- Steven Ng
, multiple selections available,
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