Metadata Workflow/Management UnConference
Metadata Workflow/Management UnConference
Metadata Workflow/Mgmt (Dampeer)
Moderator: Chris Powell
Notes: Russell Schelby
Convener: Anusha Ranganathan
Chris Powell: What do people use to work on metadata and view it?
- Oxygen
- forms, excel ingest, content dm,
- built-in spreadsheet-like editor
Anusha Ranganathan,
- in repository, not visible to people
- people whose job it is just to review, mainly copyright checks, embargo checks
- few metadata enhancements
- very simple project, once it is submitted,
- review process has several steps
- review, escalated, rejected (rare: duplicate), approved
- once approved gets migrated
- software to track? manual XML
- built hydra admin to move things between buckets: archive to Open Archive
- has ties to request tracker, which handles email trail, email ticket tracking
- metadata as a service, only Northwestern is doing that
- Declan Fleming: Research Data program, meet with faculty, look at data sets, sometimes it is cosmos scale
Chris Awres: we do metadata modeling
- no real ontologies for most stuff, can’t validate
- moderator: does like looking at data sets and cleaning up say spreadsheet column names
- lots of data is someone’s spreadsheets
- “look at the red column, it means something”
- USC Karma - lets you link headers to ontology
- basic metadata - data management plan required for grants, we need to know what the files are
Alicia Morris, Tufts
- basic recommendations, i.e. text files describing data set
- student scholarship - staging environment, clean up metadata, push to production
- identify high-value content
- image library - working with faculty in art history department, having students fill out spreadsheet to describe course images; library cleans up this metadata with scripts to correct punctuation, capitalization, then ingested into repository
Penn State: Would like to get away from spreadsheets
- linked data/active triples might alleviate this from a coding exercise
- tough to validate a spreadsheet
- how do collections go from selection to digital collection? lots of people involved, lots of technologies
- Declan: we’ve embraced spreadsheets: provide templates to staff
- Moderator: getting vendor data back is frustrating: mac/windows artifacts
- would it be worth it to write a head for a generic metadata editor?
- Mike Giarlo: There is a gem that does that
Andrew Rouner, Wash U
- surprised that self-submission as default - wouldn’t expect to have any pre-prints: faculty are busy
- would be interested in having a discussion about that model
- note: Oxygen can integrate with some systems, maybe hydra?
Michael, Penn State
- we agreed on a workflow, pushing forward with a pilot project: a workflow around a Hydra project
- thinking about HydraDAM workflow, describe the same object through different
- Declan: we use JIRA - everyone is in JIRA, can attach spreadsheets
- Oregon has taught their catalogers in GIT
- making this a Gem would be worthwhile, watch the
- What tools are you using for creating RDF metadata?
- Aaron Colburn has a unique way, is building fedora classes not the fly, uses OWL
- Tom Johnson was also creating a similar system
- BibFrame editor would create an RDF, doesn’t necessarily need bibFrame backend
, multiple selections available,
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