Friday Working Group Scheduling

Friday Working Group Scheduling

Working GroupScheduling Comments
Sufia Futuresnot against Avalon - Hannah
Hydra RDFMorning.
Can we change to not be in conflict with Archives/HAWG please? - Rob Sanderson, Jon Stroop, Julie Hardesty 
Mediated depositIs this a working group?
Building the communityIs this a working group?
Using contracted vendorsIs this a working group?
Digital Preservation 

pre-lunch, please – Steven Villereal

not against Sufia, please - Hannah

pre-lunch, please - Jon Dunn

pre-lunch, please - Mark Notess

UXpre-lunch, please, or I can't lead it - Mark Notess
Archives (HAWG, B-EAD-L)

pre-lunch, not in conflict with Avalon? – Steven Villereal

And not in conflict with RDF, please - Julie Hardesty, Rob Sanderson, Jon Stroop

Core Gems CommitersNot against steering please - Mark Bussey
Managersnot against building community and using contracted vendors (KCariani)
Blacklight Maps 
Questioning Authority??