Marketing WG Notes

Marketing WG Notes

In attendance:

Eviva Weinraub - Oregon State University
Alicia Cozine - DCE

We reviewed notes from previous marketing WG sessions and other notes on the wiki related to marketing (steering group, etc.). Hydra has successfully raised its profile at meetings and conferences and has achieved good name recognition among larger academic institutions. Perhaps the next target is smaller institutions who may not understand their needs in terms of "repositories" and may not be attending OR and other "repository" conferences. Also, it seems like hydra marketing has focused on pushing out information rather than gathering information. Given the state of the hydrasphere, some market research might be helpful.

Proposed action items:

  1. develop an online survey
  2. develop a distribution list or lists
  3. distribute the survey
  4. analyze the results and base future marketing efforts on them

Survey questions could include things like "what solutions are you currently using" and "do you have digitized materials that are not currently accessible online" and "do you have staff dedicated to code development". Try to find out what needs hydra can meet as it evolves. We would like to follow up and hope others who are interested in marketing hydra will get involved.