Release Planning 11-25-13

Attendees (PD's, PO's, Tech Lead)

Rick Johnson, Linda Newman, Jeremy Friesen, Dan Brubaker-Horst, Jon Dunn, Julie Rudder, Claire Stewart


  1. Facilitator: Rick Johnson
  2. Set Notetaker (Linda volunteered)
  3. Review Notes from Project Director Planning 11-22-13 Call (see here:  Project Director Meeting 11-22-13)
    1. Roles Expectations – still need someone to head up overall QA and, separately, UX.  We may want to revisit overall project roles per major release.  Phase 2 may be broken into more than one major release.  The first release might be the first 3 or 4 sections. Established to date:

First Overall Project Director: Rick Johnson

First Overall Product Owner: Julie Rudder

First Overall Tech Lead: Jeremy Friesen

First Scrum Master: Jeremy Friesen

Action item: Do we need to talk about backup roles?  It may be unrealistic to expect one person on all calls and meetings.  Claire will ask if there is someone at Northwestern who could act as Jeremy's backup.  Dan commented that a day or two before sprint planning project directors should be contacted by lead product owner.  Julie commented that we need to get a regular product owner meeting on the books.   Giving project directors a day or so of lead time to comment on sprint priorities.  Overall product owner attends daily scrums, maybe backup person too.  Rick, Julie and Jeremy will keep a tight communication line, daily or every other day. 

    1. Meeting and Sprint Schedule
      1. Review Release Goals: See Phase 2 Release Goals  11/25 – Jon confirmed that administrative sets very important.  Their initial use cases may revolve around data.  Automated ingest from box desirable, hopefully by Summer.  Cincinnati confirmed the need for administrative sets.   Cincinnati talked about OAI and RSS or other ways of harvesting and/or serializing content, and will need to support Summon instead of Primo.  Jon may need embargoes.  Would be useful to know what DCE is doing for Case Western.  

Action Item: We will need to discuss whether and how to integrate work that DCE does, as a fork of the main code, into this project.  See for some of the work being done by DCE. 

Linda added need for jpeg2000 viewer.  Probably will set a goal to integrate with an IIIS compatible image server as part of 3c.  Linda asked about Admin tools – Jeremy commented that this is being added to CurateND, with a process for logging in as someone that probably should be turned into an administrative process.  Probably many other specific features needed for an admin interface.  Is this phase 3 – or does it need to move closer to the top of the list?  This may depend on 'real production' vs. pilot timelines.  Claire – proposing a six month chunk of work so that we can be at a pilot in six months time and a full release in a year. Notre Dame is hoping to have a Beta open to campus by April.  Already open to early adopters now.  

Action Items: Julie will talk to all product owners and also touch base with Rick. 

Action Item: group sandbox.  Jeremy suggests flexible authentication with facebook, orcid or local provider.  That would make the sandbox easier.  Claire will add developers to the wiki.

      1. 11/26,12/2-12/6, 12/9-12/10:
        1. Writing Stories (Product Owners)
        2. Technical Design (Technical Lead)
        3. Select Planning, Task Tracking, Communication Tools (Select Team of PO's, PD's)
        4. Translate stories to technical tasks (Technical Lead)
      2. Tools Set by 12/4 – Nominations/Volunteers for team to evaluate tools includes: Claire Stewart, Ray Lubinsky or Robin Ruggaber,  Andrea Zielke, Randall Floyd.  Claire hopes to have possibilities described on the wiki by the end of the day Wednesday.  We'll need to respond quickly to have choices by the 4th. 
      3. Review Stories, PO and TL: 12/10
      4. Stories Finalized by 12/11
      5. Next Sprint: 12/9-12/20 (12/9-12/11: Onboarding, 12/12: Planning, and official start)  – Holiday and CNI conference may cause us to push goal back from the 9th to the 12th.  Tentative plan is do have a Monday afternoon, 1:30-3:30 eastern, every other Monday, to do sprint recap and next sprint planning, including all developers on upcoming sprint, overall lead product owner, overall lead project director, all product owners and project directors welcome but not required – but good if we try to make those.  Project directors may not have to stay for full 3 hours.   First meeting would be different – perhaps on the 9th or 10th.  An onboarding process (for onboarding new developers) may need to be developed.  Rick suggests that each lead role be responsible for onboarding others in those roles. SMEs will come in as needed but not all SMEs in every daily scrum.

Action item: Schedule an orientation meeting for the 5th and 6th for everybody with a rough draft of the onboarding documents; probably an hour to 2 hours.

  1. Review Draft Release Goals and Priority (see here:  Phase 2 Release Goals)
    1. Identify Target Customers
    2. Set Rough Sprint Timeline


Action Items (with carryover)

  • Nail down release numbering scheme

  • Update Role Descriptions on IR Page:  Hydramata Project main page
  • Designate Scrum master (Done): Jeremy Friesen
  • Designate Lead QA 
  • Designate Lead UX
  • Project Directors update release goals wiki page ( Phase 2 Release Goals) with comments by Monday, 11/25 meeting
  • Designate Scrum, planning, issue tracking, bug tracking, and communication tools by Dec. 4th
  • Schedule Meetings to review tools

  • Schedule Recurring Project Director Call
  • Schedule Story Review (overall pd, po's, and tech lead every two weeks, 2nd thurs of a sprint)
  • Schedule Release Planning
  • Schedule Recurring Sprint Planning (Monday every other week 1:30-4:30 ET)
  • Put release checklist on wiki (Rick)
  • Designate backup lead project director, product director, technical lead, and scrum master
  • Schedule Kickoff meeting for everyone on 5th or 6th